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Nostalgia & History > SP West Oakland Roundhouse Misc...

Date: 09/29/14 21:36
SP West Oakland Roundhouse Misc...
Author: SpHero2015

1. Turntable View... Date Unknown
2. "Garden Tracks" Date Unknown
3. Final Stages Of The Roundhouse Teardown (1959)

Date: 09/30/14 10:49
Re: SP West Oakland Roundhouse Misc...
Author: Westbound

Great photos of what I always felt was the heart of the SP - Oakland. Looking forward to all that you post. Thanks.

Date: 10/01/14 06:52
Re: SP West Oakland Roundhouse Misc...
Author: drumwrencher

I remember going down to West Oakland with my father to check out a 1700 class steamer stored in the end stall of the roundhouse. My dad (SP machinist, Bayshore) said it was stored in anticipation of the freight rush, that didn't come due to the recession of, if memory serves, 1958. I believe he said there were two stored there, but since I actually only remember one, I can't swear to it anymore. And, honestly, I'm not exactly sure of the dates, other than it was past the official "end of steam". That's why we were there - to check it out. The '50's were a loong time ago!


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