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Nostalgia & History > Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap

Date: 01/21/19 20:00
Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap
Author: MartyBernard

1, 2 and 3. CP FP9 1408 with Train 8, the Dominion, at Banff, Alberta on June 16, 1963.  The heavy weight busness car is "Van Horne".

Date: 01/21/19 20:00
Re: Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap
Author: MartyBernard

4. CP 8423, 6530, 6608 and 8837 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on June 11, 1963.

5. CP FM H16-44 8553 and 2 Geeps eastbound east of Waldeck, Saskatchewan on June 13, 1963.

6. CP westbound freight west of Swift Current, Saskatchewan, on June 13, 1963.

Marty Bernard

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/19 20:04 by MartyBernard.

Date: 01/22/19 10:32
Re: Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap
Author: Waybiller

The Van Horne, I believe, is still in the fleet.  

Date: 01/22/19 11:33
Re: Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap
Author: SD45X

A pig flat with steam heat lines??

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/22/19 15:46
Re: Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap
Author: 4489

Waybiller Wrote:
> The Van Horne, I believe, is still in the
> fleet.  

Yes indeed.  It has been reconditioned at least once since these photos would have been taken.

I have been privileged to have been through this car a couple of times.

Van Horne has brought up the markers for the Holiday Train more than once!

Date: 01/22/19 17:27
Re: Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap
Author: agentatascadero

On a trip aboard the Canadian from Vancouver to Winnepeg, we met at least a couple of Dominions during the daytime.  Just 8 months before this photo (Sept, '62), the Dominion was a full service train with coaches, tourist and Pullman cars, plus a skyline dome and Park car on each train.  It was a pleasing (to me) look of tuscan red heavyweights and stainless lightweight equipment, and, as shown here, a lot of head end equipment....all adding up to 15-20 cars.


Stanford White
Carmel Valley, CA

Date: 01/23/19 23:22
Re: Some Canadian Pacific Photos, Part 1 -- Walt Dunlap
Author: UP951West

GREAT slides !  Thanks for sharing.

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