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Nostalgia & History > Through Pullman Question - St. Louis

Date: 05/13/22 05:38
Through Pullman Question - St. Louis
Author: train1275

Was there ever a through Pullman service between St. Louis and Kansas City for an ATSF connection west ?


Date: 05/13/22 08:39
Re: Through Pullman Question - St. Louis
Author: NYC303

Yes, in 1939 for example, a sleeper operated St. L - LA on Santa Fe California Limited daily, with the portion east of KC alternating between the Alton/Q, the MP, and the Wabash. I think at another time the connection was on the MP daily.

Date: 05/13/22 08:51
Re: Through Pullman Question - St. Louis
Author: train1275

Thanks, that is very interesting information !
Just something I got thinking and wondering about.

NYC303 Wrote:
> Yes, in 1939 for example, a sleeper operated St. L
> - LA on Santa Fe California Limited daily, with
> the portion east of KC alternating between the
> Alton/Q, the MP, and the Wabash. I think at
> another time the connection was on the MP daily.

Date: 05/13/22 10:16
Re: Through Pullman Question - St. Louis
Author: swaool

In the early 1950s, there was also a St. Louis - Los Angeles 6-6-4 sleeper than ran on the Mopac to Kansas City and onto LA via the RI/SP Golden State Limited.  From St. Louis it went WB on the Colorado Eagle and returned EB on the Sunflower.

mike woodruff

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