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Nostalgia & History > Railroad StreetDate: 06/23/22 07:55 Railroad Street Author: ETFuller In towns and cities large and small, the presence of a Railroad Street signified the important connection to the larger world made possible by the railroad. In words and photographs, Eric Williams contemplates the history still visible along Railroad Streets in more than two dozen communities across the country.
http://thetracksidephotographer.com/2022/06/23/railroad-street/ Edd Fuller, Editor The Trackside Photographer http://thetracksidephotographer.com/ Date: 06/23/22 08:08 Re: Railroad Street Author: wp1801 There is a Railroad street in Albany, Oregon which hasn't had rails for 100 years. I have never seen or heard of a photo of a train on that track.
Date: 06/23/22 08:58 Re: Railroad Street Author: robj Large number of scenes, worth a look.
Bob Date: 06/23/22 09:57 Re: Railroad Street Author: Ritzville Wehave a Railroad Ave. in Ritzville, WA running by the old NP Depot,
Larry Date: 06/23/22 10:01 Re: Railroad Street Author: jcaestecker Thank you Edd,
That was quite an enjoyable read. -John Date: 06/23/22 17:51 Re: Railroad Street Author: patd3985 There's also a Railroad Ave. in Shelton,WA. with no tracks or trains in many moons!
Date: 06/23/22 20:40 Re: Railroad Street Author: callum_out My hair cutter is on Railroad Street in KIngman.
Out Date: 06/23/22 22:18 Re: Railroad Street Author: roustabout Shedd, Oregon, has a Railroad Street. As a matter of fact, I live off it, B Street & Railroad. Just look for the UP MP 679.
Date: 06/24/22 09:08 Re: Railroad Street Author: Beowawe Gee, I wonder if there is a Rail road somewhere?😉