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Nostalgia & History > just what was the message?

Date: 11/23/22 16:14
just what was the message?
Author: FT

Recently there ws a post showing a crew member giving a big, friendly way to the photographer. This scan from a slide I
got recently is another matter. I can't tell if this in anger, or screwing up the shot, or he knows the photographer. What is
your best guess  Illmo,MO 9/78 by Richard Panek

If anyone knows the photographer, ask if he knows the "message" from this crewmember.

Keith A (ft)

Date: 11/23/22 16:21
Re: just what was the message?
Author: wcamp1472

What's with his shirt?
Is he bare-chested?
Trying to show-off his muscles/ physique for the photographer?

Not enough clarity in the images..


Date: 11/23/22 16:55
Re: just what was the message?
Author: santafe199

Those are his brains, NOT his muscles...


Date: 11/23/22 17:19
Re: just what was the message?
Author: FT

I just got a private message that the photographer passrd several years ago, so no new info there.


Date: 11/23/22 17:55
Re: just what was the message?
Author: WAF

Probably excited the U30C is still running from ESL

Date: 11/23/22 17:57
Re: just what was the message?
Author: dan

maybe that is his hustle muscle routine?

Date: 11/23/22 18:57
Re: just what was the message?
Author: 567Chant

Methinks this warrants a request for captions.
I will 'prime the pump'.

"My Gawd that was the most gigantic dump in my entire career!"


Date: 11/23/22 19:01
Re: just what was the message?
Author: KC5015

I think he was just preparing to give a digital salute.

Date: 11/23/22 19:50
Re: just what was the message?
Author: PHall

Not everybody enjoys getting their picture taken while they're at work.

Date: 11/23/22 20:26
Re: just what was the message?
Author: tehachapifan

Looks like he's smiling to me. I don't read it as anything other than being a friendly gesture to someone he probably knew.

Date: 11/23/22 20:29
Re: just what was the message?
Author: rrman6

Dreaming of being 'Charles Atlas'!!   Now, how many will ask, "Who the heck is he?"

Date: 11/24/22 04:28
Re: just what was the message?
Author: masterphots

Ah Charles.  They threw sand in my face so I grew up  and became a body builder.  So can you.  So said the ads in pulp magazines eons ago,  including Railroad mag.

Date: 11/24/22 09:50
Re: just what was the message?
Author: Gonut1

I'm Popeye the Sailer Man!

Date: 01/06/23 20:02
Re: just what was the message?
Author: bodkin6071

That location looks familiar. The Missouri Highway N overpass.

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