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Nostalgia & History > More on the 1952 SP film

Date: 12/03/22 03:46
More on the 1952 SP film
Author: timz

The youtube that you find by searching for "clear signal southern pacific" --

10:15 Carquinez bridge overhead -- didn't know
they replaced that support on the northside
of the track. In the 1973 pic it's concrete.

10:20 must be looking RR-west at the west
end of San Luis. Did other CTC signals
have all that verbiage?


then at 10:33, looking E at the same switch.

At 10:36 we're looking RR-west at the east end of Santa Margarita?
And at 10:59 we're looking RR-east at the F's entering the siding?

14:04 is from the Hwy 101 overpass at Cuesta?

14:17  bottom end of Chorro?

15:07 was that common to have an inspector
directly under the passing cars? Until when?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/22 03:51 by timz.

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