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Nostalgia & History > Dolling up to go to Eagle with J.D. on sled.

Date: 01/24/23 08:34
Dolling up to go to Eagle with J.D. on sled.
Author: flynn

Page 213 Sunday, January 18th, 1920
Just like every other day only a little different.  Went to town with Bill F. to get No. 15.  B. came home about 1 am and rolled in.  Had breakfast at 8 am.  Train 45 min. late.  A light engine going east saved the day.  Got on No. 15 at Wolcott to see Jno Ford.  Saw D.W. on way to Glenwood.  One swell walk home.  Tried skating - no good.  After dinner Katie, J.D. and I went to Wolcott to coast.  Had a good time until 4:30 pm.  Went up by W. with J. and down by A..  Home.  Tony's arrival after supper.  A surprise.  J.D. down.  11 pm. 
Page 214 Monday, January 19th, 1920
7 am.  Dolling up to go to Eagle with J.D. on sled.  Started  from ranch.  8:20 am.  A mild ride to the big town.  Saw W. Quinlan on way.  Visited all business houses while in Eagle.  Left on lone engine for Gypsum 12:15 noon.  Met P.K. about 1/4 mile east of G.  Had quite a chat with him.  Spent afternoon chatting with friends.  Met B. at baseball practice  also Ma and Daughter.  Ate supper at Staup's.  B.B. game after supper.  E.C.H.S. - 79's. Score 19 -13 favor 79's.  A long walk with B.
Page 215 Tuesday, January 20th, 1920
1:30 am.  Still talking about old times to Bill.  To bed 2 am.  A restless sleep.  Up at 8 am.  Late for breakfast.  Played pool until noon.  Hard luck.  After dinner met Ma and daughter.  Bill and I visited the H. School.  Loafing until 4 pm.  Home on second No. 52.  Went to Wolcott on account of speed.  Met E.W. in post office.  Walked over to Moores with her.  Subject about letters.  O.S.  Home 5:30 pm.  Met 16 at Sho - Bill on way to Casper Wyo.  Dan home.  Chatting until bed time. 10 pm.
Page 216 Wednesday, January 21st, 1920
Aroused when Dan rolled out.  Joking at dinner.  Katie reports from town.  Expecting B. for dinner.  Decided to go to Wolcott in afternoon.  J.D. on way home.  Too slow on shaving.  Bills appearance.  Walked home with J.D. and to Wolcott with Bill.  Some more chatting about ancient times.  Walked about 1/2 mile above Wolcott and back.  Bill leaving on 16.  Home in motor car.  7 pm.  J.D., Katie and I on our way to party over to Moore's for E.W.  Midnight. 
Page 217 Thursday, January 22nd, 1920
Still playing games and some dancing at Wolcott Hotel.  Refreshments and homeward bound at 1:30 am.  Took E.W. home.  Some real party.  In bed at 2:30 am.  Aroused by excitement of Tony's return.  Snowing afternoon.  Fixed telegraph instrument and read some during afternoon.  Swept some snow off walks.  Chores.  Supper.  Tony at Wolcott.  Retired.  11:30 pm. 
Page 218 Friday, January 23rd, 1920
10 am for a beginner.  By the time breakfast was over Katie arrived with the mail.  A letter from R.F.  Decided to chop some wood for exercise.  Also shoveled some more snow.  The weather - a "flurry" - snow - off and on during afternoon.  Called H. on telephone about J.S. 3 pm.  Went to cement bridge to get exercise and returned.  Made a side trip towards Watson's for rabbits.  Home 5:30 pm.  A hearty supper.  Gossip and card playing until 10 pm.  Record filing.  Retire 11 pm.
Page 219 Saturday, January 24th, 1920
Up too late for breakfast.  A perfect day for weather.  Dan went out for a hunt up on ledge.  Katie "dolled" the house as usual on Saturday.  The snow did not melt fast enough to suit me.  Time that I needed a shave.  Decided to put a finish to the "old oak tree" and use the same for wood.  Jim D., O.Mc., D.F. K.F., and I played P.A. until 10 pm.  A chat about the neighbors and retired 11 pm. 
Page 220 Sunday, January 25th, 1920
Weather keen and good.  Sunshine good for the brain.  Hazel H. and F. Francis came up on sled to visit.  11:30 am decided to go to Wolcott for mail.  Met Gus at switch.  Saw F.S. and Ackley at depot.  No one home at depot.  Target practice at curve.  A pleasant walk home.  K.F., H.H. and F.F. going out to take pictures.  A sad event picking ice.  Went to Wolcott with J.D and G.W.  Lester W. condition worse.  Bed time.  11 pm. 
Picture 1, Freddie Frances and Kate Flynn seated on a rock near Kent.

Picture 2, Hazel Harris at the central switchboard (telephone) in Eagle. Hazel, who died in 1947, was one of four daughters born to Joseph and Mary Ginther Harris. 

Picture 3, Call Number: CHS-B271. Credit: Contact History Colorado for credit line to use with this item.  Title: Colorado Midland RR excursion.  Title-Alternative: History Colorado, Buckwalter Collection, Book IV, no. 43.  Creator(s): Buckwalter, Harry H.  Summary: A large group affiliated with the National Association of Local Freight Agents pose in front of Colorado Midland Railroad trains numbers 12 and 26 in Colorado.  Date: 1901 June 15.  Physical Description: 1 negative : glass ; 21 x 26 cm. (8 x 10 in.). 

Date: 01/24/23 16:36
Re: Dolling up to go to Eagle with J.D. on sled.
Author: rrpreservation

Great stuff!!! Thank you for sharing it!!

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