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Nostalgia & History > Over the fence - a few Alco switchers

Date: 01/25/23 08:01
Over the fence - a few Alco switchers
Author: gcm

Dec 80
In Houston at - if I remember correctly - a GE plant that worked on old engines a few ex-Santa Fe and SP Alco switchers with a critter thrown in.
I didn't have access so a few quick ones over the fence.
Ex-SP S6 1253 was in the group.


Date: 01/25/23 08:11
Re: Over the fence - a few Alco switchers
Author: refarkas

Considering the fence and all, you did good to get these.

Date: 01/25/23 10:03
Re: Over the fence - a few Alco switchers
Author: swaool

The black and yellow "critter" #17 looks like a rather rare Atlas 65 tonner to me.  Can anyone confirm?

mike woodruff


Date: 01/25/23 13:53
Re: Over the fence - a few Alco switchers
Author: ns2557

swaool Wrote:
> The black and yellow "critter" #17 looks like a
> rather rare Atlas 65 tonner to me.  Can anyone
> confirm?
> mike woodruff
> spokane

Yes, It sure looks like an ATLAS 65T unit. Haven't been able to track down this particular unit as of yet tho.  Ben

Date: 01/30/23 10:08
Re: Over the fence - a few Alco switchers
Author: swaool

Don't know if anyone is still interested in the Atlas 65 tonner shown here, but I found this information in X2200S #56 while looking for something else.  There were apparently only five of these 65 tonners built.  This one is likely nee-USA 7023 (Atlas serial 2321, built E/43) which was sold to Texaco at Port Arthur TX, and later went to GE's Houston TX service shop as a loaner locomotive.

mike woodruff

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