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Nostalgia & History > SOO SD60 in Shelburne Falls MA 2002

Date: 03/17/23 23:50
SOO SD60 in Shelburne Falls MA 2002
Author: erielackawanna

My mom's family used to hold wonderful reunions where you'd meet fifth cousins and family from all over the country and world. We'd meet in differnt locations where there were tourist things to do also. Sadly, as the older generation has aged and passed, the reunions are no more. Back in June 2002 we all met in the Berkshires and stayed in a motel across the street from the Guilford's Boston & Maine line through the Berkshires. At first I thought I would be able to hear a train and then chase it, but not being familiar with the area, that didn't really work out that well. One thing I did notice was a train came through early each day with Canadian Pacific power. Best I can determine this with either the MOED or the RJED. I don't know if they were Delaware & Hudson trains or Guilford trains. (Any help on this, would be hugely appreciated). On one morning I took my immediate family to the Shelburne Falls Trolley Musuem. Just before we took the short ride on their 1896 Wason combine, there was the distinct sound of a train horn. I set up for a shot with the Shelburne Falls sign in frame. I was surprised to see the SOO unit leading. June 29, 2002, Shelburne Falls, Massachusets.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/23 10:29 by erielackawanna.

Date: 03/18/23 06:58
Re: SOO SD60 in Shelburne Falls MA 2002
Author: JPB

This would be Guilford symbol MOED which commonly used CP run through power on Guilford.

Here's a link to video on Twitter (of all places) of CP led MOED at Shelburne Falls on 4/20/01: CRS MOED with CP power Shelburne Falls April 2001

You can also search the Tube with to see a pursuit of MOED from Hoosac Tunnel eastward "Guilford Train MOED with CP Rail & Soo Line Power chase 2 14 04"

Date: 03/18/23 10:25
Re: SOO SD60 in Shelburne Falls MA 2002
Author: pennsy3750

CP/Soo power would be MOED, it was a Guilford train.

Also, the trolley was built by the Wason (no "T") Car Company.

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