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Nostalgia & History > Santa Fe People-1969

Date: 03/18/23 08:40
Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Chico56

Two part message here, four crew members on a San Francisco Chief trip from Belen to KC and back in 1969.
Pardon the quality, I was 13 and took these with an old Instamatic!
Enjoy and happy Saturday,

1. Sleeping car porter Salem Miller - Train #1
2. Dining car steward Ralph Bennett - Train #2

Date: 03/18/23 08:44
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Chico56

3. Waiter Oscar Brown - Train #2
4. Sleeping car porter Benjamin Lyman and fellow passenger Herman U. Prater- Train #2

Date: 03/18/23 09:02
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: gcm

Rare images of some of the personel that made Santa Fe passenger trains so excellent.
Wow - you still had their names after all these years.
Great shots !

Date: 03/18/23 09:15
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Topfuel

1937 Budd diner with "George Orwell" ceiling light fixtures in picture #2.

Aisle of a Pine-series 10-6 in picture #4.

Date: 03/18/23 09:23
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Chico56

My steel trap mind at work, ok maybe not!  Actually somehow I had presentience of mind to write the names down on a timetable.

gcm Wrote:
> Wow - you still had their names after all these
> years.

Date: 03/18/23 09:39
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Topfuel

Also, note the sleeping car porter in picture #4 is wearing a hat with a hat badge that says "Santa Fe".  This was after the Pullman Company ceased operation, so Santa Fe (and other railroads still running sleepers) took over operation of their own sleeping cars.

Date: 03/18/23 09:46
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Chico56

That was the Pine Crest, our car westbound was the Blue Gem.

Topfuel Wrote:
> Aisle of a Pine-series 10-6 in picture #4.

Date: 03/18/23 10:01
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Topfuel

Very good job to have noted the car names, especially as a young man  Did you take a consist of all the cars and locomotives on each train?

Date: 03/18/23 10:10
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Chico56

Topfuel Wrote:
>Did you take a consist
> of all the cars and locomotives on each train?

Unfortunately no, wasn't quite that smart back then, wish I had been!

Date: 03/18/23 11:27
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: spider1319

Good job and thanks for the post.Writing the names down.I wish I would had that kind of foresight.Bill Webb

Date: 03/18/23 22:01
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Rule99

Great photos--- the faces and names breathe life into everything. 

Date: 03/19/23 11:37
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: ntharalson

Chico56 Wrote:
> Topfuel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >Did you take a consist
> > of all the cars and locomotives on each train?
> Unfortunately no, wasn't quite that smart back
> then, wish I had been!
> Chico

Maybe, but you were smart enough to get shots of the people that made the trains great, which was more than I was.  

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

Date: 03/19/23 11:39
Re: Santa Fe People-1969
Author: Chico56

Thanks Nick!

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