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Nostalgia & History > Kansas City Rock Island RR Bridge Project Groundbreaking

Date: 05/16/23 17:33
Kansas City Rock Island RR Bridge Project Groundbreaking
Author: mpe383

The Kansas Governor and other political "stars" broke ground on a project that will turn the former Rock Island RR bridge over the Kansas River in KCK into an entertainment venue.


Link to the project webpage:


Date: 05/16/23 18:00
Re: Kansas City Rock Island Bridge Project Groundbreaking
Author: timz

Must be this one?


Was it ever anything but a spur to the stockyards?

Date: 05/16/23 18:06
Re: Kansas City Rock Island Bridge Project Groundbreaking
Author: wister6813

That is the bridge. After crossing the bridge, the line curved to the north to the freight station. The headhouse, and a portion of dock, still exist. 

Rock Island Freight Headhouse


Date: 05/16/23 18:34
Re: Kansas City Rock Island RR Bridge Project Groundbreaking
Author: Milwaukee

This is great news.   This should present a fun and very unique venue for KC.   That will also add to the signficant railroad history preserved in the area.

Thanks for sharing the news with us here on TO.

Date: 05/16/23 23:36
Re: Kansas City Rock Island RR Bridge Project Groundbreaking
Author: mp51w

Thank you for the news story and link!

Date: 05/17/23 06:31
Re: Kansas City Rock Island RR Bridge Project Groundbreaking
Author: AMTRUK

Interesting idea. i would think that the lead (paint) abatement alone would make this project cost prohibitive. Oh wait, this isn't in California.

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