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Nostalgia & History > Flare Friday - EL 3646

Date: 05/26/23 01:21
Flare Friday - EL 3646
Author: refarkas

(William Eley photo) This is a crop of the top half of a wastebasket-quality slide where the bottom half was all tracks coming towards me. By cropping off the bottom, this reveals an interesting scene.
It is March 14, 1976 in Sterling, Ohio. EL 3646 is eastbound on EL trackage which crosses the B&O there. The EL lashup is EL 3646 (EMD SD45), EL 2579 (EMD GP35), EL 2462 (ALCO C-425), and EL 2511 (GE U25B).
With the coming of Conrail, both mainline El tracks and the diamonds would be gone. In the early 1990's, the tower would be torn down and the remains burned. Today, of what is visible in this scene, only the two CSX mainline tracks and the siding to the left are still there.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/23 01:33 by refarkas.

Date: 05/26/23 06:39
Re: Flare Friday - EL 3646
Author: jgilmore

Interesting scene, TO is a good "wastebasket" to drop any cool old slides... ;^)


Date: 05/26/23 07:40
Re: Flare Friday - EL 3646
Author: King_Coal

Nice trip to 21st century photo technology. 

Date: 05/26/23 09:44
Re: Flare Friday - EL 3646
Author: NYSWSD70M

refarkas Wrote:

> With the coming of Conrail, both mainline El
> tracks and the diamonds would be gone.
> Bob

True enough but not initially.  Initially trains movements were vastly reduced and then removed altogether in 1981 or 82.

Very nice photo.

Date: 05/26/23 11:10
Re: Flare Friday - EL 3646
Author: pal77

While you cropped out a lot of track glad you left the diamonds with the movable points. C425 didn’t have long before heading to BC rail.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/26/23 11:45
Re: Flare Friday - EL 3646
Author: CPMorris

Sterling, Ohio - this was the location of that fatal EL/B&O collision in 1965, right?

Date: 05/26/23 12:06
Re: Flare Friday - EL 3646
Author: gcm

CPMorris Wrote:
> Sterling, Ohio - this was the location of that
> fatal EL/B&O collision in 1965, right?


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