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Nostalgia & History > NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962

Date: 09/16/23 18:00
NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: photobob

The SP's only RDC ran out its last miles running on the Tri-Weekly run between Willits and Eureka. Seen here along the Ell River along the Scota Bluffs. After years of flooding and land sides the line was abandoned.

Robert Morris
Dunsmuir, CA
Robert Morris Photography

Date: 09/16/23 18:27
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: tehachapifan


Date: 09/16/23 19:31
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: Stevo_Weimario

Yep, "Wow!" pretty much covers it...
Bravo, Bob.


Date: 09/16/23 19:50
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: Ritzville

Very NICE!!


Date: 09/16/23 20:15
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: SP4360

What a picture. Thanks for posting this gem.

Date: 09/17/23 01:13
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: coach

Fantastic photo and size comparison of man vs. nature.  This location has always scared me a bit, though.  The thought of those bluffs tumbling down.........yikes.

If the RDC only went as far as Willits, how did passengers get on down to the Bay Area?

Date: 09/17/23 02:38
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: OldPorter

Thanks Mr. Morris. Beautiful image. It sure would have been fun to ride that RDC.

Poor N W P. Kind of an ill starred Road, from the very start. Unstable geology in many 
other places as well as the Scotia Bluffs. Myriad other trouble spots; the Island Mtn tunnel fires, etc. . 

At least the old ROW on the S end is seeing good use now w/ the North Bay Transit ops. Hope to have 
a chance for a Ride up there along the old NWP track alignment, later this year. 

Date: 09/17/23 05:26
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: DavidP

coach Wrote:
> If the RDC only went as far as Willits, how did
> passengers get on down to the Bay Area?

Greyhound....SP advertised the connection in thier public timetables.


Date: 09/17/23 05:37
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: RuleG

coach Wrote:
> If the RDC only went as far as Willits, how did
> passengers get on down to the Bay Area?

According to the Northwestern Pacific timetable in the May 1970 Official Guide, there was connecting bus service between Willits and San Francisco.

Date: 09/17/23 12:58
Re: NWP's Redwood on the Scotia Bluffs 1962
Author: coach

Thank you for the bus info.   I really wished I could have ridden that line, even in the RDC.  I really wish the line still existed as a vacation line, with freight, ofcourse, today, providing a way "to get away" other than driving.

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