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Nostalgia & History > Where are all the Saturday SP Switcher Pics??

Date: 09/16/23 18:09
Where are all the Saturday SP Switcher Pics??
Author: tehachapifan

I think it's been a couple weeks since I've seen the usual supply of SP switcher pics. Having withdrawals over here! No Torrance Switcher even??

Date: 09/16/23 22:21
Re: Where are all the Saturday SP Switcher Pics??
Author: 3rdswitch

Easy does it. SP Torrance Switcher in MAR '84 near downtown Torrance on former PE trackage still in service for UP.

Date: 09/16/23 22:53
Re: Where are all the Saturday SP Switcher Pics??
Author: tehachapifan

Ah, much better now, thanks!

Date: 09/17/23 07:51
Re: Where are all the Saturday SP Switcher Pics??
Author: atsf121

3rdswitch Wrote:
> Easy does it. SP Torrance Switcher in MAR '84 near
> downtown Torrance on former PE trackage still in
> service for UP.
> JB

Awesome photo, that's the SP I remember!

Date: 09/17/23 07:55
Re: Where are all the Saturday SP Switcher Pics??
Author: goneon66

a great image of the s.p. running down the middle of sartori ave in downtown torrance.



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