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Nostalgia & History > McGregor TX Union Depot

Date: 09/18/23 06:06
McGregor TX Union Depot
Author: PVSfan

This postcard is notable for a couple of reasons.
First, it shows a Cotton Belt train headed toward Waco. [Santa Fe was the other road that used the depot.]
Second, you can see the roof of the interlocking tower that was incorporated into the depot.

The depot survives (although modified from this image) and still serves Amtrak passengers.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/23 07:11 by PVSfan.

Date: 09/18/23 06:19
Re: McGregor TX Union Depot
Author: UP951West

What a rare photo. Thanks for sharing .  Rode Amtrak 's Lone Star  out that depot one day while still in college .

Date: 09/18/23 07:08
Re: McGregor TX Union Depot
Author: gcm

Thanks for this image.
That is the oldest picture of the station I have seen and with a passenger train on the branch !
I've been there many times while the Waco branch was still there but never saw a train on it.

Date: 09/18/23 07:21
Re: McGregor TX Union Depot
Author: refarkas

Fascinating historical view.

Date: 09/18/23 22:59
Re: McGregor TX Union Depot
Author: Evan_Werkema

More photos of the McGregor depot and Tower 56: http://txrrhistory.com/towers/056/056.htm

Date: 09/19/23 08:37
Re: McGregor TX Union Depot
Author: santafe199

Great thread! I never knew McGregor had an interlocking tower in the corner like that. And Evan, as usual, your research is off-the-chart here! Thanks for the link... :^)


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