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Nostalgia & History > EL Symbols

Date: 09/19/23 04:46
EL Symbols
Author: skokieswift


Does anyone have a good source (website, book, magazine article) describing EL symbols 1970 - Conrail?  I'm looking for symbols and descriptions like the CarrTracks website had for SP, UP, BN, ATSF back when it was active (is it still?).  I've heard of some of them: CX-99, NY-98 but not sure if they were all intermodal or mixed freight.  Did they run dedicated trains to Ford in Mahwah, NJ or was that handled by a local?  Any help would be appreciated and probably a great discussion here.



Date: 09/19/23 06:16
Re: EL Symbols
Author: train1275

See if this is readable, I don't have a scanner.

It is a start.

Date: 09/19/23 06:30
Re: EL Symbols
Author: skokieswift

Readable! Thanks for posting. Can anyone comment on typical consists of these trains, I.E. all UPS, or that one carried parts for Ford etc? Trying to run accurate consists for these symbols at my club.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 09/19/23 11:00
Re: EL Symbols
Author: JPB

Try these 2 links. The author has a lot of EL knowledge!

EL Westbound train symbol descriptions

EL eastbound train symbol descriptions

Date: 09/19/23 11:14
Re: EL Symbols
Author: pdt

This is after my time on the EL, LOL.   Mid 1970's a lot of things changed, especially more freight running on the Lackawanna side out thru scranton.
Also the pool trains had stopped?    SF100, RI100, etc.

I can tell you that NY99/100 and NY97/98 were the hotshot pig (TOFC)  trains.  I think TC99 was pigs also.   Most everything else that ran to/from croxton was mixed freight.    Auto racks were picked up/set out by road freights at Suffern yard for Mahwah Ford plant,   There were  "mahwah Ford jobs"...yard jobs based out of suffern that only worked the  Mahwah Ford plant.

Date: 09/19/23 14:18
Re: EL Symbols
Author: skokieswift

Exactly what I was looking for and much appreciated!

Date: 09/19/23 17:55
Re: EL Symbols
Author: Lackawanna484

Was the SF-27 the assigned Suffern yard job in those days?

Date: 09/20/23 03:05
Re: EL Symbols
Author: Roadjob

I do know that EL had a Mahwah train in its last couple of years, Mahwah 74 east, and Mahwah 97 west. Never saw the eastbound, but 97 was generally a daylight train across the Southern Tier.

Bill Rettberg
Bel Air, MD

Date: 09/20/23 05:12
Re: EL Symbols
Author: train1275

Roadjob Wrote:
> I do know that EL had a Mahwah train in its last
> couple of years, Mahwah 74 east, and Mahwah 97
> west. Never saw the eastbound, but 97 was
> generally a daylight train across the Southern
> Tier.

As to what Roadjob has said above, from website: 


FORD MAHWAH: The Ford auto plant in Mahwah, NJ was a major EL shipper, and EL operating patterns were strongly influenced by Ford needs. Train 90, later DN-90, was on many days an all-Ford consist, forwarding auto parts from Detroit to Mahwah. Other eastbound symbol trains had solid blocks of cars for set-out at Suffern/Hillburn NY, the holding yard for Ford along the main. Westbound empties and loaded auto racks were picked up by various road locals and sorted to symbol trains made up in Port Jervis. However, in later years, the TC-1 and MW-97 ran from Suffern with almost exculsive Ford consists.

Lots of other good info posted there that might be helpful.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/23 05:13 by train1275.

Date: 09/20/23 16:58
Re: EL Symbols
Author: skokieswift

Thanks for the link - looks like the definitive source for what I'm looking for.

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