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Nostalgia & History > What did you do during the war Dad?

Date: 02/22/24 19:11
What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: photobob

Sam took me away from my happy home in San Francisco and sent me to Panama. I was assigned to the U.S. Army Special Photographic Detachment Panama. I traveled through out South America but my favorite place for TDY was Bolivia. Steam was in its prime and I went nuts. Here I am in Santa Cruz Bolivia with my trusty 35MM Arriflex doing some actual government work but my real love was Bolivian steam. The bottom shot was taken at the La Paz engine facility. War is hell. I took these in the summer of 1966.

Robert Morris
Dunsmuir, CA
Robert Morris Photography

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/24 19:14 by photobob.

Date: 02/22/24 19:24
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: MILW16

I love your South America photos.  What was the reason the US Army was in South America doing photography?

Date: 02/22/24 19:27
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: refarkas

Photo two is a real beauty.

Date: 02/22/24 19:35
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: E25

I suspect that many of us who served abroad in the early Sixties encountered steam in everyday service.  But you sure did a good job of recording it, Bob.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 02/22/24 20:22
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: photobob

We were a unit that President Kennedy requested to photograph US Aid projects in South and Central America. There were seven of us. I really lucked out getting into this outfit as I was sent from Fort Ord Basic Training to Panama.

Robert Morris
Dunsmuir, CA
Robert Morris Photography

Date: 02/22/24 21:45
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: dmaffei

And you thought the Pentax 6X7 was heavy!

Date: 02/22/24 22:43
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: Ritzville

Very enjoyable series!


Date: 02/23/24 05:09
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: steamfan759

That is a great look back!  Your photo reminds me of how thin I was back when I was in the Army Reserves from 1971 to 1977.  I was fortunate to get into a reserve unit after college.  I had already buried some close friends who lost their lives in Vietnam.


Date: 02/23/24 11:24
Re: What did you do during the war Dad?
Author: TCnR

At least you have some great photos and a nice rug out of the whole deal.

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