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Nostalgia & History > UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History

Date: 04/02/24 15:11
UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: photobob

One of the last SP cottages that goes back to the early years in Dunsmuir was quickly removed a few days ago. It was a habitable structure located on UP property and the decision was made to destroy this century years old structure for some legal reason by some pencil pusher back in Omaha who has probably never even been to Dunsmuir.  

Robert Morris
Dunsmuir, CA
Robert Morris Photography

Date: 04/02/24 15:22
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: Ritzville

Sorry to hear that!!


Date: 04/02/24 15:23
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: md

maybe UP was worried about squatters taking it over

Date: 04/02/24 15:44
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: TCnR

Check the interior of this abode in a similar situation, de-constructed a few months ago:


Date: 07/22/22 11:03
Another bit of Dunsmuir is about to bite the dust

Date: 04/02/24 16:04
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: ClubCar

md Wrote:
> maybe UP was worried about squatters taking it
> over
Yes, this is the real problem that everyone is now facing especially with all the homeless people in our country, and more illegals also coming.  These places then become a liability to the property owner, whether it's an individual or a big corporation like the Union Pacific.  It's a shame, but this is life now in our country.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 04/02/24 16:35
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: DynamicBrake

Noooo, say it isn't so.  That cottage was classic SP!  Eventually, all good things must come down.

Kent in CArmel Valley

Date: 04/02/24 17:12
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: PHall

ClubCar Wrote:
> md Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > maybe UP was worried about squatters taking it
> > over
> Yes, this is the real problem that everyone is now
> facing especially with all the homeless people in
> our country, and more illegals also coming. 
> These places then become a liability to the
> property owner, whether it's an individual or a
> big corporation like the Union Pacific.  It's a
> shame, but this is life now in our country.
> John in White Marsh, Maryland

Not just this country, Canada, the UK, Europe all have a homeless problem too.

Date: 04/02/24 18:20
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: MEKoch

I would bet that California would allow squatters to stay forever!

Date: 04/02/24 19:06
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: needles_sub

MEKoch Wrote:
> I would bet that California would allow squatters
> to stay forever!

Always that one person!

Posted from Android

Date: 04/02/24 20:09
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: Switchpoint

As of late last week, nothing left but a big pile of nothing.  I wonder who you had to be to rate living in that house in the good days ?

Date: 04/02/24 21:33
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: coach

So why didn't UP just sell it, or donate it, or rent it???  Seems like a harsh decision.

Date: 04/03/24 06:35
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: photobob

They didn't own the house just the property.. From what I heard the house was inherited and the UP made an offer on the house and then tore it down.

Robert Morris
Dunsmuir, CA
Robert Morris Photography

Date: 04/03/24 08:16
Re: UP bulldozes another piece of Dunsmuir History
Author: TCnR

Suspect there's issues with the sewer connection (s) in that area, some of the work around the amtrak depot involved removing the sewer line alongside the tracks, basically underneath the old concrete platform. They rerouted the sewer line for the Depot, they are in the process of replacing the concrete platform to Amtrak standards.

The whole town has had new sewer lines, new water lines and new power lines in the past three or four years. Major shift in all the UPrr MoW offices and equipment storage, the Train Crew Office is moving around, some sort of rationalization.

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