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Nostalgia & History > Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?

Date: 09/04/24 17:09
Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?
Author: timz

Seth Bramson's FEC book says thru sleepers
from Pittsburgh and from Buffalo ran south on
FEC, presumably to Miami. Would that have
to be via Washington, or was there some other way?

No such thing in the 1/27 Guide


but it does show the Quebec-Miami sleeper.

Date: 09/04/24 17:17
Re: Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?
Author: agentatascadero

Another routing could be via the line to Cincinnati.  Lots of options going south from there.


Stanford White
Carmel Valley, CA

Date: 09/04/24 17:33
Re: Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?
Author: dan

seasonal ?

Date: 09/04/24 17:35
Re: Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?
Author: MacBeau

Pretty sure that Pittsburgh sleeper went west to Chicago and then to Jacksonville on the South Wind.

Date: 09/04/24 17:52
Re: Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?
Author: train1275

Date: 09/04/24 18:14
Re: Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?
Author: timz

Sure nuff -- looks like both were via Harrisburg and Washington.

Date: 09/04/24 18:33
Re: Thru sleeper Pittsburgh to FEC?
Author: Lackawanna484

The February 1926 Official Guide (page 606) shows through sleeping cars from Cleveland, Buffalo, Grand Rapids, and Detroit to Jacksonville / Miami on the Florida East Coast.  Carried on the Royal Palm via Cincinnati and Chattanooga

The West Indian Limited carried sleepers from Quebec to Jacksonville /  Miami

On page 580, the Seaboard Air Line advertises through sleeping cars from Erie (PA) Buffalo, and Pittsburgh to Miami on the Pennsylvania railroad through DC

(This may have been the last hurrah for south Florida. Two devastating hurricanes, a real estate crash, and the Great Depression were on the cards)

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