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Nostalgia & History > Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91

Date: 09/04/24 19:27
Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: GPutz

Dolores Yard, Carson, California, 3/23/91
1. SP GP38-2s #4835, built 6//80, to UP #598 7/4/01, + #4815, built 5//80, to UP #578 7/30/03, were tied down.
2. An short e/b SP double stack train was led by SD40R #7325, built 4//66 as SD40 #8457, rebuilt 9//80.
3. SSW GP60 #9649, built 9//89, to UP #5751 7/13/00, renumbered #1951 1/25/01, + D&RGW GP40 #3083 10//69, retired by SP, rebuilt by MPI to GP38-3 UP #2514 4/22/97, renumbered #1014 5/30/03, to HLCX #1014, were tied down.


Date: 09/04/24 19:29
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: GPutz

Long Beach, California, 3/23/91
4. SP SD45R #7564 was built 3//69 as SP SD45 #9026, rebuilt 2//86, later HATX #7564, to G&W/B&P #455, to LTEX and scrapped.
Carson, California, 3/24/91
5. SP GP40X #7200 was built 2//78, retired by SP, later RA/TP&W/LTEX #4056.
6. SP SD9E #4345, built 2//55 as SD9 #5396, renumbered #3874, rebuilt 4//71.


Date: 09/04/24 19:30
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: GPutz

Fullerton, California, 3/23/91
7. An e/b San Diegan was led by F40PH #250, built 10//77, later rebuilt to NPCU #90250.
8. AT&SF GP9u #2244, built 3//55 as GP7B #2789A, rebuilt 5//80, was tied down.
San Luis Obispo, California, 4/7/91
9. SP SD40T-2 #8274, built 6//80, rebuilt to UP SD40T-2R #4593 8/30/99, renumbered #2940 3/27/01, to WRIX #2940, + SD40R #7335, built 1//66 as SD40 #8411, rebuilt 11//80, later AGR #7335, were helpers tied down.


Date: 09/04/24 19:32
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: GPutz

San Luis Obispo, California, 4/7/91
10. A one horsepower unit pranced by.
11 & 12. The top of the preserved water tower is visible on Google Satellite View.


Date: 09/04/24 19:33
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: GPutz

San Luis Obispo, California, 4/7/91
13. SP SD40T-2 #8234, built 3//80, to UP #8785 12/13/00, retired 2/28/05, had a serious case of door dyslexia.
2.5 Miles South of Guadalupe, California, on CA-1, 4/7/91
14 & 15. At this time SP sent priority trains up and down the coast line.
That site that archives railroad pictures
AT&SF Roster: https://old.atsfrr.org/resources/CrossetGene/ATSF_all-time%20diesel%20roster/index.htm

Date: 09/04/24 21:00
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: FiveChime

Nice shots from a better time when SP still ran!
Regards, Jim Evans

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/24 08:24 by FiveChime.

Date: 09/04/24 21:07
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: RailRat

I like #6 along with all the rest of course!

Were there many SD7/9 and cousins painted in this pre merger scheme?

Jim Baker
Riverside, CA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/24 21:09 by RailRat.

Date: 09/04/24 22:22
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: Ritzville

FiveChime Wrote:
> Nice shorts from a better time when SP still ran!
> Regards, Jim Evans

I'll second that!


Date: 09/04/24 23:42
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: refarkas

Interesting variety - Photo thirteen with the door dyslexia is amazing.

Date: 09/05/24 06:26
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: Milwaukee

First time I've seen an example of that on the SP.   

refarkas Wrote:
> Interesting variety - Photo thirteen with the door
> dyslexia is amazing.
> Bob

Date: 09/05/24 11:01
Re: Between Carson & San Luis Obispo, California, in ‘91
Author: callen77

Milwaukee Wrote:
> First time I've seen an example of that on the
> SP.   
> refarkas Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Interesting variety - Photo thirteen with the
> door
> > dyslexia is amazing.
> > Bob

definitely. Perhaps the mechanic previously worked on the RI.

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