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Nostalgia & History > Santa Fe train headed out of Cleburne

Date: 09/05/24 04:15
Santa Fe train headed out of Cleburne
Author: gcm

November 1976
On the north side of the shops in Cleburne,Tx this train is headed to Fort Worth.
Two B units one of them ex-passenger.
Looks like this part of the Santa Fe shops/yard held their damaged equipment.



Date: 09/05/24 04:21
Re: Santa Fe train headed out of Cleburne
Author: texchief1

Fine shot and great lashup, Gary!


Date: 09/05/24 06:32
Re: Santa Fe train headed out of Cleburne
Author: 3rdswitch

Nice catch. Not often you saw first and second generation mixed.

Date: 09/05/24 07:15
Re: Santa Fe train headed out of Cleburne
Author: refarkas

Wonderful lashup!

Date: 09/05/24 10:05
Re: Santa Fe train headed out of Cleburne
Author: tomstp

Gary , the yard there held cars to be repaired and scrapped.  Mostly scrapped.  It nearly always looked about the same in number of cars  .When Santa Fe closed the Cleburne shops many cars needing repair were sent else where.  Those to be scrapped were cut up on sight.  A bunch of men worked in that portion of the yard. With all the work that went on there and the large number of employees it was a shock when Santa Fe closed it.

Date: 09/05/24 17:58
Re: Santa Fe train headed out of Cleburne
Author: gcm

Thanks for the info on that part of the yard.

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