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Nostalgia & History > Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa

Date: 09/18/24 17:29
Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: Redwater

In my continuing study of Milwaukee Road depots, here are more photos of the Milwaukee Road Mason City depot and yard facilities. More photos in the post below. 

Date: 09/18/24 17:31
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: Redwater

First photo 1968 when the depot was still being used, then the last photo is 2022. My understanding is that CPKC would like to have this depot off their asset list. There is a group wanting it saved but nothing has happened as of yet...

Date: 09/18/24 17:43
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: engineerinvirginia

In the third photo see the pickup with a truck bed camper. Dollars to donuts he is a railroad employee forced to that location and sleeping in his rig....he has that rig because he gets bounced around all over the place.

Date: 09/18/24 18:54
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: Lark

or like me a M&W Employee getting paid per diem & sleeping in my own bed/rig; water from the station + restroom + perhaps hot water + company... and with a companion, my wife...

Date: 09/18/24 18:55
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: refarkas

Great historical set.

Date: 09/19/24 06:54
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: trainnut7

Any pic's of Postville, Ossian ?   Thx  James 

Date: 09/19/24 08:50
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: train1275

That third image is pretty nice !

Date: 09/19/24 09:41
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: ntharalson

#3 is really interesting.  Almost all the infrastructure here was gone by 1977 when I arrived in Mason City.  Yes, the depot was there and an open office as well as an on duty point for crews east and west.  Thanks for posting.

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

Date: 09/20/24 09:44
Re: Milwaukee Road: Mason City, Iowa
Author: MILW86A

Spent many times in this depot when the IMRL and ICE as I knew the late Carroll Kaduce who was the customer service manager at Mason City for both roads.
He was a former CNW dispatcher in Mason City and Boone and later was GM of Iowa Northern for a short time before the Sabins stepped in.

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