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Nostalgia & History > 4 Early Burlington Northern Photos

Date: 09/18/24 17:57
4 Early Burlington Northern Photos
Author: MartyBernard

The Burlington Northern started operation in 1970.

1. BN  EMD SW7 134, built July 1950 as CB&Q 9268 and retired Oct. 1985, with Train #5 - 11 including the SF Zephyr, switching out #5 to Quincy at Galesburg, IL Aug. 23, 1970.  Bill Howes photo, Reid Adams collection.

2. BN Boxcar 189303, no caption, slide says June 1970.   Bill Howes photo, Reid Adams collection

3. BN E9A 9996 but still as CB&Q E9A 9996 built Aug. 1954 with ex-GN coaches seen in N. Kansas City, MO, Sept. 15, 1970.  Train left from freight yard.  Bill Howes photo, Reid Adams collection.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/24 20:14 by MartyBernard.

Date: 09/18/24 17:57
Re: 4 Early Burlington Northern Photos
Author: MartyBernard

4. BN F9A 9902 but still as NP F9A 6705C built Dec. 1956 as NP F9A 7051A with Pool Train 408 at Seattle King Street Station March 29, 1970.  (3 units A-B-A, Baggage Car, Coach, Buffeteria, Parlor Lounge, Coaches).  Bill Howes photo, Reid Adams collection.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/24 18:00 by MartyBernard.

Date: 09/18/24 22:14
Re: 4 Early Burlington Northern Photos
Author: dan

pic 1 is the california service train, remnant of the cz, with a couple thru cars for ogden  via the rgz and a across the platform transfer in ogden to the COSF-tri weekly service

Date: 09/18/24 22:19
Re: 4 Early Burlington Northern Photos
Author: dan

pic 1 is the California service train, remnant of the cz, with a couple thru cars for Ogden  via the rgz and a across the platform transfer in Ogden to the COSF-tri weekly service.   it was combined with the NZ as far as lincoln?

thanks for sharing this operation!  pics are few since it ran just for a year plus

Date: 09/19/24 13:11
Re: 4 Early Burlington Northern Photos
Author: UP951West

Love the Q painted diesels and the NP F's . Thanks Marty. 

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