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Nostalgia & History > SP 7305 at Rocklin with pacing helpers 1995

Date: 09/24/24 20:53
SP 7305 at Rocklin with pacing helpers 1995
Author: gonx

Sometimes you're there and you still are unsure what that you have witnessed. SP 7305 East arrives at Rocklin where its rear helper will xover and attach to the rear end for a shove the train to the top of Donner Pass. For whatever reason, the Colfax based helpers passed the xover switches on the #1 track and went further west to meet its train that it will assist. The helper units are seen returning to the xover location pacing the train. After the rear end clears, the helper units xover.

Rocklin CA
Jan 1995

Thanks for looking

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Date: 09/24/24 21:02
Re: SP 7305 at Rocklin with pacing helpers 1995
Author: TCnR

Pretty wild, seems like yesterday. Heard a lot of the chatter on the radio.
Is that the Rocklin Switch tender, or whatever the name was, in the pick up truck?

Date: 09/24/24 21:18
Re: SP 7305 at Rocklin with pacing helpers 1995
Author: gonx

I think it may have been the Roseville Roundhouse on assignment. Normally, train crews would handle all track switches, but in this case they were assured that someone else would correctly realign (and secure) the track switches. Obviously, wouldn't fly with today's PTC and 35 box checklist which must be verified to the tee.

Date: 09/26/24 09:42
Re: SP 7305 at Rocklin with pacing helpers 1995
Author: RailRat

A Very Fine look back Lee!

Jim Baker
Riverside, CA

Date: 09/26/24 10:43
Re: SP 7305 at Rocklin with pacing helpers 1995
Author: sp8192

Excellent!   EMD's were king!

Date: 09/26/24 11:05
Re: SP 7305 at Rocklin with pacing helpers 1995
Author: SPDRGWfan

A couple of ragged D&RGW tunnel motors too after 20 years of hard work.

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