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Nostalgia & History > 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988

Date: 11/23/24 00:40
4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: choochoochas

I hope some of you would enjoy some videos of 4449 on the SPIRIT OF THE WEST train in December of 1988. This one was taken at Turner Oregon on December 14th, 1988 on the way to Her first overnight stay at Eugerne Oregon.

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Date: 11/23/24 07:15
Re: 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: dendavis

Indeed enjoyable, thanks for posting.  Was that some D&RGW livery in that consist?

Date: 11/23/24 08:15
Re: 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: HotWater

dendavis Wrote:
> Indeed enjoyable, thanks for posting.  Was that
> some D&RGW livery in that consist?

Yes. Remember, this was after Phil Anchust (sp) and his "Denver Rio Grand Corp." purchased the Southern Pacific. Phil had his D&RGW equipment on the train, as well as his kids.We all had a great time.

Date: 11/23/24 10:35
Re: 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: Notch7

=17.55pxnice video - great train.

Date: 11/23/24 14:37
Re: 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: coach

I think the whistle on the 4449 at that time was a heritage NP whistle...

Date: 11/23/24 15:10
Re: 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: HotWater

coach Wrote:
> I think the whistle on the 4449 at that time was a
> heritage NP whistle...

Correct, i.e. the late Richard P. Yager's NP whistle.

Date: 11/23/24 17:00
Re: 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: UP951West

He was rolling !  Liked this video and thanks for posting it. 

Date: 11/24/24 17:48
Re: 4449 on the Spirit of the West train in 1988
Author: DRGWMark

Fantastic!!! Nothing like steam in cold weather.

coach Wrote:
> I think the whistle on the 4449 at that time was a
> heritage NP whistle...

Was it SP&S 700's whistle? IIRC 4449 wore that whistle from 1975 until 1990, when it was returned to the now-restored 700. But the engine DOES have a second whistle mount, so...

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