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Nostalgia & History > Magic switch in MoPac EMD’s

Date: 11/28/24 13:21
Magic switch in MoPac EMD’s
Author: WrongWayMurphy

Not much info on what the switch does, hence my title.

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Date: 11/28/24 16:01
Re: Magic switch in MoPac EMD’s
Author: timz

Wonder why they didn't claim 30 gallons per hour. For how many units?

First guess: another 1970s "fuel saver" that tried to take advantage of the engine's supposedly greater efficiency in Run 8.

Date: 11/29/24 08:55
Re: Magic switch in MoPac EMD’s
Author: koloradokid

Probably cut fuel spply to four cylinders reducing fuel usage on trains that don't need full power, or in areas where it was flat or downhill reducing the need for full power.


Date: 11/29/24 18:26
Re: Magic switch in MoPac EMD’s
Author: rrpreservation

What about reduced fuel for idling?

Date: 11/29/24 18:52
Re: Magic switch in MoPac EMD’s
Author: TomG

Fuel saver switches were installed on WPs locomotives. The switch allowed the engineer to choose how many units in the consist he wanted to load. Everything else just coasted idling until selected again.

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