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Nostalgia & History > Working the hill - Tehachapi

Date: 11/28/24 13:23
Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: trackplanner

Not sure if I posted this before, SP SD40R 7325 leads the eastbound oil cans approaching Tunnel #2 near Allard-Bealville, CA in February 1984 (Don DeLay photos).

Date: 11/28/24 13:32
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: 3rdswitch

Great pair that brings back great memories.

Date: 11/28/24 13:49
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: TCnR

Great location.
The cans were a favorite, but who remembers that Oil was packaged in a can amd not a plastic bottle.

Date: 11/28/24 15:40
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: railstiesballast

In my memory I can hear and feel those units, great phots.
I have been led to believe that on the SP "The Hill" was Donner Pass and "The Mountain" was Tehachapi Pass.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Date: 11/28/24 15:55
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: timz

The Tehachapi dispatcher was known as the Valley-Mountain job, but FWIW only Donner was ever called Mountain Subdivision in the timetable.

Don't recall what the oil trains were -- did they start as six 12-car sets? Then they expanded somehow?

Before they started, the Spec Instr said a 10000-ton train wasn't legal with only one helper.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/24 16:18 by timz.

Date: 11/28/24 17:29
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: callum_out

As the trains keep getting bigger over Tehachapi we're seeing more and more use of the
"swing remotes". What was once common is new again.


Date: 11/28/24 17:56
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: up833

The few times I saw the oil train they were using 10 or 11 units.  4 or 5 up front 5 or 6 swing and 1 or 2 on the tail.  And when 5 or 6 big units pull a heavy load past you the noise and ground vibration is something a railfan doesnt forget.  My first experience here and my last was MRL SD45 helpers on Bozeman Pass.

Date: 11/28/24 18:45
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: atsf121

TCnR Wrote:
> Great location.
> The cans were a favorite, but who remembers that
> Oil was packaged in a can amd not a plastic
> bottle.
> t4p.

Vaguely, I was a kid when my dad bought oil for the car in cans.  I also remember Hershey's chocolate syrup in a can instead of a plastic bottle, too.  But I especially remember seeing the oil cans on Tehachapi a few times, plus the loading facitliy in Bakersfield along Highway 99, when we'd visit my grandparents.  The good old days!  Wish I had snagged a photo or two of the UP cans through Simi Valley when my in-laws lived there, but never pulled that off.


Date: 11/28/24 19:11
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: trackplanner

The climb out of Oakridge to Crescent Lake was also known as the 'Hill'.

>In my memory I can hear and feel those units, great phots.
>I have been led to believe that on the SP "The Hill" was Donner Pass and "The Mountain" was Tehachapi Pass.

Date: 11/28/24 22:55
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: Railfan4Christ

Great shots, the Oil Cans were the main attraction back in those days. Thanks for sharing them.


Date: 11/29/24 05:11
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: AZSP

timz Wrote:
> The Tehachapi dispatcher was known as the
> Valley-Mountain job, but FWIW only Donner was ever
> called Mountain Subdivision in the timetable.
> Don't recall what the oil trains were -- did they
> start as six 12-car sets? Then they expanded
> somehow?
> Before they started, the Spec Instr said a
> 10000-ton train wasn't legal with only one helper.

I believe they were 13 car sets weren’t they? Originally BKDOL (Bakersfield - Dolores Loads, which became BKDOU (Bakersfield - Dolores Unit train) after SP changed nomenclature. I can still hear the two stroke prime movers screaming and the traction motors whining!

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/29/24 08:07
Re: Working the hill - Tehachapi
Author: ntharalson

TCnR Wrote:
> Great location.
> The cans were a favorite, but who remembers that
> Oil was packaged in a can amd not a plastic.
> bottle.sed to ehlp him in the summer as a kid delivering cases of motor 
> t4p. 

I clearly remember motor oil in cans.  I had an uncle who was a bulk oil agent.  In the summer, when I was a kid, I would help help him deliver cases of motor oil to the various service stations in his territoy.  

Thanks for posting these nice images.  

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/24 07:59 by ntharalson.

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