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Nostalgia & History > Critter of the Day

Date: 01/03/25 09:36
Critter of the Day
Author: MartyBernard

Baltmore & Ohio GE 44 Tonner 8301 (built 1950) at Riverside, Baltimore, MD on January 19, 1969

Date: 01/03/25 10:59
Re: Critter of the Day
Author: ClubCar

Yes, that is a nice photo of the B&O "Critter" however, are you sure that this is Riverside Yard in Baltimore?  Very hard to tell and I do not recognize the surroundings that are shown from that photo.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 01/03/25 11:01
Re: Critter of the Day
Author: swaool

Also seen and discussed here: https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?11,5607063.  Should be ex-B&O 8801, nee-B&O 19, a Phase IVb 44 tonner (30470, 9/27/50), sold to the Dravo Corporation as their "SW-50" on Neville Island near Pittsburgh PA on 12/15/1971 (source: X2200S #52).  The Dravo Neville Island shipyard had built LSTs for the Navy during WWII.  The site eventually became Neville Island Development and apparently had no use for the locomotive.  In 1992 it apparently went to the Pittsburgh, Allegheny and McKees Rocks RR, was subsequently stripped for parts, went to the B&O museum but was deemed "too far gone" for restoration and was scrapped in 2004 (source: http://www.trainweb.org/oldmainline/oml/007sswitcher2000.jpg)

mike woodruff
north platte ne

Date: 01/03/25 19:09
Re: Critter of the Day
Author: Mike6640-2

ClubCar Wrote:
> Yes, that is a nice photo of the B&O "Critter"
> however, are you sure that this is Riverside Yard
> in Baltimore?  Very hard to tell and I do not
> recognize the surroundings that are shown from
> that photo.
> John in White Marsh, Maryland
>The building in the background is the Gould street powerplant
> where the locomotives are is now I95.

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