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Nostalgia & History > National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81

Date: 01/05/25 10:17
National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: GreenFlag

A few photos taken on 5-31-81 at National Metals scrapyard or officially known as National Metal & Steel on Terminal Island in the Port of LA. They mostly scrapped ships there, but some rail equipment also. I believe all of the scrap was exported. It closed in the mid-80s.
In the first two photos, ex-SP S6 518 is switching in the yard. Notice all of the ship parts in the second photo. There's even a gun and a torpedo visible just to the left of the engine.
Ex-Santa Fe S4 517 is in the third photo. According to my notes, it was not used much at that time. 
I wonder if both of these units were eventually scrapped here?

Date: 01/05/25 10:20
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: GreenFlag

One more photo taken of National Metals where it is adjacent to what I think was Dock Street in December 1981. I think that the old gons were used to move the scrap inside of the yard. Notice some SP beet cars in the photo, probably in for scrapping. 

Date: 01/05/25 11:27
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: refarkas

First-rate photos - Interesting location.

Date: 01/05/25 11:30
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: Evan_Werkema

Beet gons among the beat gons.

According to Strapac's Southern Pacific Diesel Locomotive Compendium v.2, National Metals 518 was ex-SP 1210.  The book claims it somehow escaped the scrapyard, going next to Foster Farms at Burrell in 1986.  It doesn't appear to have survived beyond that assignment, but its replacement at Burrell, ex-SP 1218, was saved by the Pacific Locomotive Association and is now at the Niles Canyon Railway. 

Pretty sure ex-ATSF 1517 didn't make it out on National Metals alive, but sister 1518 is among the locomotives in the DieselMotive corral at Chemurgic, CA, and the future Arizona State Railroad Musuem at Williams, AZ has ex-ATSF 1528.

Date: 01/05/25 17:12
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: czuleget

Chemurgic, CA which I see is near Turlock.
Is it Modesto Empire and Traction who serves this customer? 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/25 17:15 by czuleget.

Date: 01/05/25 19:34
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: EricSP

czuleget Wrote:
> Chemurgic, CA which I see is near Turlock.
> Is it Modesto Empire and Traction who serves this
> customer? 

The branch is UP, formerly Tidewater Southern.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/25 19:43 by EricSP.

Date: 01/06/25 19:39
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: rrman6

Looking at the #517 in the 3rd photo with some missing handrail, it appears to be whispering while exiting left on the minimal slope, "I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN", as if seeking to escape this horrendous scene before itself becomes material.

Date: 01/07/25 10:31
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: wingomann

GreenFlag Wrote:
Notice all of the ship parts in the
> second photo. There's even a gun and a torpedo
> visible just to the left of the engine.

And a mast from a ship including the radar dish at the top.

Date: 01/07/25 21:15
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: wabash2800

Wow, look at the chain link? in the first photo--likely for anchors on ships.

Thanks for sharing.

Victor Baird

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/25 21:15 by wabash2800.

Date: 01/13/25 19:12
Re: National Metals scrapyard on Terminal Island, CA '81
Author: rrman6

wabash2800 Wrote:
> Wow, look at the chain link? in the first
> photo--likely for anchors on ships.
> Thanks for sharing.
> Victor Baird

Victor, maybe I could talk this salvage company out of a few of these chain links for my gold railroad pocket watch!  Ha!

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