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Nostalgia & History > Flare Friday, BN . . .

Date: 01/10/25 06:55
Flare Friday, BN . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .   in JUL '89, a westbound MRL train was starting over the top of Bozeman Pass approaching West End, MT.

Date: 01/10/25 07:36
Re: Flare Friday, BN . . .
Author: RSD5

Great looking in the BN paint scheme!


Date: 01/10/25 12:59
Re: Flare Friday, BN . . .
Author: MacBeau

The eastern side of Bozeman is so much easier to shoot, thanks for the look.

Date: 01/10/25 16:06
Re: Flare Friday, BN . . .
Author: swaool

I think this location was called Hoppers, the cut used to be a double track tunnel which was daylighted in the NP era.

mike woodruff
north platte ne

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