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Nostalgia & History > Freight's Last Days At Lawrence in Sunnyvale

Date: 01/10/25 22:18
Freight's Last Days At Lawrence in Sunnyvale
Author: phthithu

Here's some pictures from Juny 7, 2017 of an empty car being picked up by the Mission Bay from the industrial lead at Lawrence in Sunnyvale. This lead served Peninsula Building Materials. During that summer this particular car made a couple trips back and forth between a shipper in Washington state and here. Reports indicate there was a customer that needed some special material and this is how they got it. 

As I recall the Mission Bay showed up light engines so it must've left it's train on the southbound main track while doing this work. They arrived down here from the northbound end of the right hand track. I think it one of those four main track areas but I'm not sure how they number them. Anyways, it was the southbound platform track they showed up on. They grabbed and the car and disappeared all in about 5 minutes. Then I caught the next northbound Caltrain to South City. 

Date: 01/10/25 22:22
Re: Freight's Last Days At Lawrence in Sunnyvale
Author: phthithu

Last shot here taken from between the gauge on the lead as the Bay prepared to shove back north. 

Date: 01/10/25 22:30
Re: Freight's Last Days At Lawrence in Sunnyvale
Author: phthithu

Some views of the industrial lead at Lawrence from before it was there when there was just an orchard there to its early days in the 70's up to now. Shipper is now gone but the lead still there up to the gate.

Date: 01/11/25 10:12
Re: Freight's Last Days At Lawrence in Sunnyvale
Author: spider1319

Thanks for the post. Pretty soon you are going to have passenger only to take pictures. Bill Webb

Date: 01/12/25 02:23
Re: Freight's Last Days At Lawrence in Sunnyvale
Author: phthithu

spider1319 Wrote:
> Thanks for the post. Pretty soon you are going to
> have passenger only to take pictures. Bill Webb

I know. A guy who worked the dirty dirt said a few years ago: it could last ten more years, it could last three more. You never know and they seem to keep dropping, in many ways like flies. Pine Cone Lumber seems to still be taking cars. I wonder if anyone has ever photographed that action. 

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