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Nostalgia & History > SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s

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Date: 02/01/25 08:02
SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: KCRW287

A 4 minute film clip of the Southern Pacific, all steam, various trains, there might be a few seconds of another steam rr right after the start, might be SD&AE. The first Daylight might be Santa Barbara, but I am probably wrong, the other scenes I have no idea. Any info is appreciated, unknown photographer, my collection, KCRW287

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Date: 02/01/25 08:14
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: FiveChime

Very interesting. A few segments appear to be from the Santa Barbara area, one is at the bird santuary showing that freeway underpass 
in photo posted by Boiling Man earlier in the week.
Thanks for posting.
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 02/01/25 08:37
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: Notch7

Wonderful video.

Posted from Android

Date: 02/01/25 08:48
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: BoilingMan

Yes, Santa Barbara!  Notice the mail cars set out on the station track it front of the station- something I get asked about once in a while.  I remember the Coast Mail using this track for set outs as a kid (I was about 10 or 11).
And yes that's the underpass near the Bird Refuse I posted a photo of the other day.
Good stuff!

Date: 02/01/25 08:56
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: nedzarp

#105 was SD&AE.

Date: 02/01/25 09:39
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: redberan4449

Very interesting videos of my favorite subject.  Thank you for sharing.

Date: 02/01/25 09:55
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: Ritzville

Very enjoyable SP steam video!!



Date: 02/01/25 10:43
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: dmaffei

Nice to see a full mail train video. Wondering about excursion location. Can't make out number of the GS4 on the fan trip. Thank you for posting.

Date: 02/01/25 11:37
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: timz

The station sign at 3:13 -- five letters,
letters two and four probably both E,
looks like KEVET but plenty other
possibilities. Should be able to get that.

And the underpass at 2:10 -- might get that.
Somebody had a pic of the Castillo St
underpass a while back -- didn't it look
like this before the freeway got next to it?

Far as we can tell from the timetables at
wx4.org, train 72 became train 90 in April
1955, after 98/99 had lost their regular steam.
So the video does cover some span of time.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/25 11:52 by timz.

Date: 02/01/25 13:08
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: KCRW287

Thanks to the TO members for viewing this and thanks to FiveChime for the info on the overpass, Notch7 thanks for the like, BoilingMan thanks for the info and thanks for putting your photos of the Santa Barbara area on TO, I thought the first Daylight Train was SB, but I wasn't sure. nedzarp thanks for the confirmation on the SD&AE loco. redbaren4449 thanks for your interest in this video. ritzville thanks for your like, dmaffei thanks for your input, I will go back throught my edit program and see if i can find the #. timz, it is KEVET, where is that located? Google to me to Santa Paula.Boilingman had a photo posted a couple of days ago of Amtrak going over that bridge.



Date: 02/01/25 13:46
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: timz

Kevet was 1.2 miles east of Santa Paula.

Date: 02/01/25 13:55
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: SP4360

Kevet wason the Santa Paula Branch east of Santa Paula where hwy 126 crosses the track. There was a large packing house there back in the day, now the area is covered in houses and apartments.

KCRW287 Wrote:
> Thanks to the TO members for viewing this and
> thanks to FiveChime for the info on the overpass,
> Notch7 thanks for the like, BoilingMan thanks for
> the info and thanks for putting your photos of the
> Santa Barbara area on TO, I thought the first
> Daylight Train was SB, but I wasn't sure. nedzarp
> thanks for the confirmation on the SD&AE loco.
> redbaren4449 thanks for your interest in this
> video. ritzville thanks for your like, dmaffei
> thanks for your input, I will go back throught my
> edit program and see if i can find the #. timz, it
> is KEVET, where is that located? Google to me to
> Santa Paula.Boilingman had a photo posted a couple
> of days ago of Amtrak going over that bridge.
> www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?11,5977719
> KCRW287

Date: 02/01/25 18:20
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: Westbound

Really nice movie. Appears the photographer must have used a tripod he had such a steady hand.

Appears one of the 4-8-4 pulled trains may have been an excursion train, with a baggage car attached at both ends!
Thanks for posting.

Date: 02/01/25 18:32
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: Evan_Werkema

The excursion footage at 02:25 - 03:18 with SP 4455 is of a Southern California Chapter R&LHS excursion from LA to Santa Paula, CA on June 12, 1955.  A photo of the train at Saticoy is in this old thread:


Date: 02/01/25 18:45
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: atsf121

What a great video. I recognized Santa Barbara and the Santa Paula branch. It’s crazy to think that’s what my dad grew up seeing.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 02/01/25 20:33
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: UP951West

This film was a fine showing of the beauty of the Coast Daylight in its better years  I enjoyed it and thanks for sharing. . 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 18:39 by UP951West.

Date: 02/02/25 00:34
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: OmahaTom

Are some of those daylight cars articulated?

Tom Loftus
Omaha, NE

Date: 02/02/25 01:54
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: choochoochas

Yes there were articulated coaches in that train. Thanks for posting these great films and seeing steam arriving in Santa Barbara. The shots after the arrival of train #99 look like they show the train leaving Santa Barbara just past the end of double track at West Santa Barbara and taken from the Las Positas overpass as he switched sides of the road to get the going away shot. Looks like highway 101 to the left of the train leaving West Santa Barbara. I have taken many photos in that area in the 1970s.

Date: 02/02/25 16:35
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: KCRW287

I would like to thank Evan_Werkema for the name of the sponsor of the excursion train and the date, the date helps with future posts from this reel. Also thanks to choochoochas for additional info on some of the photographers locations. So where did the station sit, under the present 101? KCRW287

Date: 02/02/25 16:54
Re: SP all steam, Daylight, mail, excursion mid 50s
Author: BoilingMan

Santa Barbara’s station? It’s alive and well- in fact, very well indeed. The City of SB took it over a while back and did a very nice renovation. The ticket counter area is much changed in its configuration and does not even pretend to resemble the original. But everything else has been backdated to original, removing various modifications the SP had done over the years.
The station is unique in Santa Barbara’s historical context in that it predates the 1925 earthquake. Much of what you see in downtown SB today in post ‘25. The SP station, thankfully, survived the quake.

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