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Nostalgia & History > N&W 'over the Rock' in Manhattan

Date: 02/01/25 08:07
N&W 'over the Rock' in Manhattan
Author: santafe199

Here’s a do-over from one of my early Photoshop jobs back in ‘15: ( Another N&W treat! ). I’ve since learned how best to use the shadows/highlights feature. As for the thread title this time, ‘over the Rock’ refers to the fact this train is rolling over the Rock Island grade crossing, which was several yards west of the UP depot in Manhattan in those days. If you had a RR radio scanner you would hear one of the rear end crewmen say ”Over the Rock” as soon as the caboose cleared the crossing. And if you’ll click on the link you can read my inexperience excuse for letting a little bit of motion blur into this scene.

1. N&W 1781 leads UP manifest train #154 over the Rock Island & past the UP depot in Manhattan, KS.
Photo date: January 10, 1977.

Thanks for looking back (again)!
Lance Garrels

Date: 02/01/25 09:28
Re: N&W 'over the Rock' in Manhattan
Author: callen77

Love this image! Never spent a whole lot of time in the Little Apple but feel like I get a sense of "the way it was" through photos like this.

Date: 02/01/25 10:04
Re: N&W 'over the Rock' in Manhattan
Author: santafe199

callen77 Wrote: > ... I get a sense of "the way it was" through photos like this ...

Yep. It's an inescapable fact of life that virtually nothing remains the same forever. In those days I used to get off work from the USPS by 3:30 PM (give or take) every day. And it would be at least an hour before my wife would get home from her job. I could spend that time "down at the depot". The UP and the Rock Island averaged 2 trains each way every day. So by hanging down here at the crossing I could double the chances of catching a train. Fun days, almost 50 years ago... :^)


Date: 02/01/25 10:16
Re: N&W 'over the Rock' in Manhattan
Author: Gonut1

Is that your beloved blue Datsun B-210 back yonder?

Date: 02/01/25 11:17
Re: N&W 'over the Rock' in Manhattan
Author: santafe199

Gonut1 Wrote: > … Is that your beloved blue Datsun B-210 …

Good eye, almost. That’s my car, but it’s a ‘75 Datsun 610. The B210s came later on. And in ‘79 I bought a regular 210, which became the best railfanning car I ever had! I ran the pi$$ outta that car and it was a trooper…

Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/25 17:57 by santafe199.

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