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Nostalgia & History > Another Baltimore Transit Streetcar Memory

Date: 02/03/25 16:55
Another Baltimore Transit Streetcar Memory
Author: ClubCar

Here is PCC Car 7398 on the #8 Line heading west to Catonsville on Frederick Avenue at Caton Avenue.  The year was 1963 and by November 3, 1963, the National City Lines Bus Company, owner of the Baltimore Transit,  converted this line along with the #15 to bus operations, regardless of what the riding public wanted, a real shame.  The #8 and the #15 lines were the last two streetcar lines left at that time.  Baltimore Streetcar Museum Photos in my collection.
John In White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 02/03/25 17:14
Re: Another Baltimore Transit Streetcar Memory
Author: refarkas

How sad. Those little shops in photo one make for a beautiful neighborhood. Adding the PCC car makes for a lovely scene.

Date: 02/03/25 17:16
Re: Another Baltimore Transit Streetcar Memory
Author: Ritzville

Nice Traction look back, but sad narrative.


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