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Nostalgia & History > Arden Trolley Museum

Date: 02/04/25 07:12
Arden Trolley Museum
Author: nydepot

Just a scan from the 1971 Steam Passenger Service Directory.

Date: 02/04/25 09:10
Re: Arden Trolley Museum
Author: stevelv

I visited the Arden Trolley Museum in the summer which is now called the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum.  It's worth the visit as they have a nice 2 mile line with signals and passing sidings and always have 2 operating trolleys when they're open.  The guys who run them told me the best time to visit is in August when the adjacent County Fair is in session and they run up to 7 operating trolley cars at once.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 20:00 by stevelv.

Date: 02/04/25 13:18
Re: Arden Trolley Museum
Author: GPutz

Yes, this is a great place to visit.  It's hugely expanded since 1971 with many street and interurban cars, even from Philly.  Gerry 

Date: 02/04/25 19:01
Re: Arden Trolley Museum
Author: RuleG

The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum has made great strides from the Arden Trolley Museum era described in page from the 1971 directory.  For more information about the museum, check out its website: https://pa-trolley.org  

In addition to operating on two miles of track (four miles ride), the museum's collection has grown to 50 pieces of electric transit vehicles.  Go to this website to learn more about its collection:                  https://pa-trolley.org/collection                                                                       

I am proud to be a museum member.

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