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Nostalgia & History > SP Memories: Toledo TEBU Tuesday

Date: 02/04/25 08:35
SP Memories: Toledo TEBU Tuesday
Author: WestinAshahr

The Toledo Local rolls through Ashahr with an impressive consist. I don't recall but that's probably helper power on the head end, likely cut-in the train at the east end of the siding. --Dec 7, 1987

Date: 02/04/25 09:28
Re: SP Memories: Toledo TEBU Tuesday
Author: Ritzville

Very cool shot!


Date: 02/04/25 10:12
Re: SP Memories: Toledo TEBU Tuesday
Author: E25

Nice image!

Believe it or not, the TEBU sets would occasionally show up on the Espee / BN Eugene-to-Interbay pool trains in Washington State as well.  'Same with the SD9s, too.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 02/04/25 11:03
Re: SP Memories: Toledo TEBU Tuesday
Author: wp1801

Thanks for the memory!

Date: 02/04/25 16:15
Re: SP Memories: Toledo TEBU Tuesday
Author: refarkas

Outstanding lashup!

Date: 02/04/25 16:21
Re: SP Memories: Toledo TEBU Tuesday
Author: TCnR

Good stuff.
Interesting how they have two TEBU's next to each other with powered locomotives on either end. Not sure how they were wired but it seems odd. Also the third TEBU closer to the head end. They would sometimes make a helper run to Cascade Summit on the weekends.

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