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Nostalgia & History > Conrail, Altoona Area, April 1982

Date: 02/04/25 13:33
Conrail, Altoona Area, April 1982
Author: Guitartrain

1. Seen from 24 1/2 Street at CP Slope, Conrail SD45-2-6663 & SD35-6043 are pushing W/B CAPI (Camden, NJ to Pittsburgh, PA) as helper set SD40-6348 & SD45-2-6656 drift E/B back to Altoona for their next assignment. 9:26AM on 4/24/82 in Altoona, PA.

2. Conrail SD40-2-6417 is slowly descending the east slope of Horseshoe Curve at MP 241 with the Speno Ballast Cleaner. I was on a hillside about a 1/4 mile east when I spotted/heard it coming. It was LOUD. Realizing that my car was closer to the tracks than it should have been, I sprinted back to the clearing at 241 to move it. After taking this photo, the train came to a stop just short of where my car was and the whole crew took a lunch break. PHEW! 11:18AM on 4/24/82 in Altoona, PA.

3. Conrail SD40s-6285 & 6254 are head-end helpers on a W/B TOFC train as it rounds "Benny Curve" and heads for the Gallitzin tunnel. GP40-2s-3342, 3339 & 3315 are behind the SDs. 12:40PM on 4/24/82 just east of Tunnelhill, PA.

Date: 02/04/25 18:22
Re: Conrail, Altoona Area, April 1982
Author: E25

Nice ones, Bill.  Thanks!

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 02/04/25 19:03
Re: Conrail, Altoona Area, April 1982
Author: texchief1

Great set, Bill!  The third is my favorite.


Date: 02/04/25 19:46
Re: Conrail, Altoona Area, April 1982
Author: Keith_Kevet

Guitartrain Wrote:
> 1. Seen from 24 1/2 Street at CP Slope, Conrail
> SD45-2-6663 & SD35-6043 are pushing W/B CAPI
> (Camden, NJ to Pittsburgh, PA) as helper set
> SD40-6348 & SD45-2-6656 drift E/B back to Altoona
> for their next assignment. 9:26AM on 4/24/82 in
> Altoona, PA.
> 2. Conrail SD40-2-6417 is slowly descending the
> east slope of Horseshoe Curve at MP 241 with the
> Speno Ballast Cleaner. I was on a hillside about a
> 1/4 mile east when I spotted/heard it coming. It
> was LOUD. Realizing that my car was closer to the
> tracks than it should have been, I sprinted back
> to the clearing at 241 to move it. After taking
> this photo, the train came to a stop just short of
> where my car was and the whole crew took a lunch
> break. PHEW! 11:18AM on 4/24/82 in Altoona, PA.
> 3. Conrail SD40s-6285 & 6254 are head-end helpers
> on a W/B TOFC train as it rounds "Benny Curve" and
> heads for the Gallitzin tunnel. GP40-2s-3342, 3339
> & 3315 are behind the SDs. 12:40PM on 4/24/82 just
> east of Tunnelhill, PA.


My understanding is traffic levels through Altoona were down about 25% at the time compared to March 1979...steel industry in turmoil plus economic recession.


Posted from Android

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