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Nostalgia & History > ATSF Burro Crane at work in 1968

Date: 02/13/04 16:03
ATSF Burro Crane at work in 1968
Author: Westbound

I always wanted one of those Lionel Burro Cranes, but never got one. I did get to watch this one in 1968. It is the ATSF #1755 at work lifting a rail on the Modesto & Empire Traction RR in the middle of B Street in Modesto, CA. Anyone know if any of these are still in use or when they were last used?

Date: 02/13/04 22:42
Re: ATSF Burro Crane at work in 1968
Author: JDLX

McCloud River used to have two of them, but they were both off the roster by 1994. One is still in McCloud, but on private property.

Eureka Southern inherited one from the Arcata & Mad River when they bought the smaller road about 1988. The Burro was put to use on the EUKA (later North Coast, then Northwestern Pacific). My brother saw the crane sitting in Shively last fall, still in full A&MR markings.

There was a picture, I believe it was on Altamont Press newsline, last year that showed one of these doing most of the work in building the latest extension onto the Niles Canyon Railway.

The big roads do still use them, but mostly in very specific situations. In four years of living and working along the UP main in northeastern Nevada I have seen them in use on the UP only once, and that was on a work train in Wells a year or so ago. UP was wrapping up a major tie renewal project on the ex-SP line east of Wells, and there were two or three Burros that were being loaded onto transport flats for movement out of the area.

Yes, they are still used.

Elko, NV

Date: 02/14/04 16:45
Not seen one in years
Author: Westbound

Very interesting. Despite my former SP railroad career I have not seen a crane like this one in many years. Thanks.

Date: 02/16/04 19:53
Re: ATSF Burro Crane at work in 1968
Author: oldschool

Orange Empire Railway Museum in Perris Ca.has a working copy of the Burro Crain along with its transport car

Date: 02/16/04 20:39
ATSF Burro Crane at OERM

oldschool Wrote:
> Orange Empire Railway Museum in Perris Ca.has a
> working copy of the Burro Crain along with its
> transport car

That's the crane that the 3751 crew had for a while. The SBRHS had no place to store it so it was donated to the OERM instead. The crane currently sits out in the weeds on a track in the junk yard area east of the Grizzly Flats turntable. Neat little machine,too bad the SBRHS couldn't hold onto it. At least a museum got it.


Date: 02/17/04 13:51
Re: ATSF Burro Crane at OERM
Author: grande473

UP has a burto crane at its Pueblo engine terminal. It has been there severl months and was still there this morning.

Date: 02/22/04 21:20
ATSF 3751 Burro Crane at OERM
Author: Robert

SBRHS, 3751 crew, never did own this burro crane. It did however sit outside the fenced area in San Bernardino where the 3751 was stored. It had OERM stenciled on it and we were told hands off. The maintenance person who had a shop at that location staged a lot of items that were to go to scrap. In doing so he procured these items for OERM. There were quite a few track speeders that passed through this area while we were there.

Date: 05/20/23 07:11
Re: ATSF 3751 Burro Crane at OERM
Author: santafe199

Looking at this thread from 18 years later:

I can remember a handful of times in the late 70s ~ mid 80s when I would catch work train service off of Santa Fe's brakeman's extra board at Emporia, KS. More than once I was assigned to a work train involving a Burro crane. Distributing bundles of new ties, picking up trackside scrap, etc, etc. Watching a skilled Burro crane operator was a great pleasure. Almost like poetry in motion! I wish I had been smart enough to shoot slides during that era...


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