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Nostalgia & History > Oahu Railway No. 19Date: 02/14/04 10:51 Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: jbwest Date: 02/14/04 12:00 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: trainhorns Where in the USA is this?
Date: 02/14/04 12:58 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: cozephyr If this is a where is it, then my guess is Hawaii.
What is today's winning prize? Date: 02/14/04 19:47 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: spcrr1878-1887 Is it true that the only active rails in the Hawaiian Islands is the Sugar Train on Maui?
Mike Date: 02/15/04 09:40 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: lynnpowell The Hawaiian Railway Society runs excursions on 7-mi of ex-Oahu Ry., ex-US Navy trackage heading west out of Ewa on Oahu. See this web-site:
http://hometown.aol.com/hawaiianrailway/History.html Date: 02/15/04 09:57 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: SteveD plus short track for steam loco demonstrations on Kuai.
Date: 02/15/04 11:20 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: spcrr1878-1887 Thanks for the info Lynn & Steve... I'll plan accordingly next summer!
Date: 02/15/04 14:00 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: nycman Isn't the Lahaina, Kaanapali & Pacific on Maui still running? Last time we were there in 94? they had two steamers running, a turntable at the south end of the NG track, and presumably a wye on the north end.
Date: 02/15/04 15:55 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: spcrr1878-1887 >>Isn't the Lahaina, Kaanapali & Pacific on Maui still running? Last time we were there in 94? they had two steamers running, a turntable at the south end of the NG track, and presumably a wye on the north end.<<
I believe that's the proper name for the Sugar Train. Date: 02/15/04 17:23 Re: Hawaiian Railway Society Author: Pullman I visited back in October, a great ride and fine people.
Here's a link to a gallery on my web pages with views of the ride: http://www.privatecarservice.net/hrs1003.html Among other projects, they are working on another trestle (wooden) that will open up another three miles of track along the Leeward Shore towards Nankuli. Well worth a visit and a ride! Date: 02/16/04 12:36 Re: Oahu Railway No. 19 Author: SteveD "and presumably a wye on the north end."
Actually no wye, but rather a loop around the repair shops. Steam is steam.. I always include at least one round trip ride when I'm on Maui, plus a little trackside observation--and yeh, the Sugar Cane guys are great. |