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Nostalgia & History > Fall Colors at the Lower Narrows

Date: 03/08/05 09:57
Fall Colors at the Lower Narrows
Author: Arkay

I once saw a black and white Santa Fe company photo showing a set of F units pulling an eastbound freight train through the Lower Mojave Narrows near Victorville, CA. One day in the fall of 1976 when I was in the area I remembered that photo and decided to see if I could get a similar shot. I parked my truck by the side of Old Route 66 and picked my way back and up through the boulders to a spot overlooking the curve. Here we see an eastbound Santa Fe boxcar train with GP-35 3410 on the point with the Mojave River to the right. All of the rocks in this area are coated with a thin shell of cement that was deposited over the years from stacks of the Southwestern Portland Cement plant that can be seen in the distance.


Date: 03/08/05 13:03
Re: Fall Colors at the Lower Narrows
Author: Winks


That is a great picture.


Date: 03/08/05 17:12
Re: Fall Colors at the Lower Narrows
Author: maltim

Great shot, thanks for posting.


Date: 10/01/15 07:26
Re: Fall Colors at the Lower Narrows
Author: Chooch

Outstanding picture. Thanks much.

Hatboro, PA​

Date: 10/01/19 07:49
Re: Fall Colors at the Lower Narrows
Author: dcfbalcoS1

        I would prefer to still have the Santa Fe like that today, newer power of course with changing times. Lots of hoppers in the front part of that box car train.

        SD70ACE's and the big GE's in the Santa Fe blue and yellow warbonnet, that would be good. Or whatever the newest units are called, I admit I don't keep up with them much.

Date: 10/01/19 18:38
Re: Fall Colors at the Lower Narrows
Author: wabash2800

You did well Terry. Thanks for sharing. As you know, In this day and age is often difficult to duplicate older publicity photos because of the overgrowth--mostly in the Midwest and East. And then there is the new highway construction and other developments.

Victor A. Baird

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