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Audio Video Sharing Discussion > Dunsmuir - August 2001

Date: 05/14/09 16:33
Dunsmuir - August 2001
Author: spdaylight

This was shot at Moss .. just above Dunsmuir where the Cantara Loop comes back toward Interstate 5. We stayed overnight at the Cave Springs and I shot this all within 45 minutes in the early AM. A little MOW action and the NB Coast Starlight (which was running late) with a mixed paint scheme on the head end. http://www.trainorders.com//avshare/thumbnails//3169-medium.jpg

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Date: 05/14/09 22:58
Re: Dunsmuir - August 2001
Author: newsat11

Hi spdaylight,

I think that's 'Mott' - not 'Moss' as was mentioned. Behind you is Mott road xing. But then it's been almost eight years since you took those shots. Interesting array of MOW equipment by the way. Thanks for posting.


Date: 05/15/09 10:00
Re: Dunsmuir - August 2001
Author: spdaylight


You're right !! As I was typing the caption last night I had Moss Brae Falls in the back of my brain . . . was actually going to pull up a map to double check and didn't. Thanks for correcting me.

I shot a lot of SP action below Mott in the late seventies (drove and walked down that road that parallels the tracks to get to a vantage point as the line comes up out of the Loop before it makes the last big horseshoe turn up to Mott). We used to take the kids to California almost annually so would hike in there when overnighting in Dunsmuir. Shot it in Super 8 film with a Sony Pro Walkman with two shotgun mics. Have bought a professional film transfer machine and will be converting all this old film (including SP freights with cabooses!! and early Amtrak with multi paint schemes on both power units and coaches). Will start to post some of this in the next few months as I do the transfers.


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