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Audio Video Sharing Discussion > HORNS INC. at URHS. open house

Date: 05/26/09 12:29
HORNS INC. at URHS. open house
Author: m1bprr

Saturday, May 23, 2009, HORNS INC. at the United Railway Historical Society's open house. The E-8 had air on board to sound its new cast Nathan P-5, HORNS INC. Sounded a Leslie RS-3L, a Hancock 4700 air whistle, an old cast Nathan P-5, and an EMD diesel locomotive bell. Ed K. OH WELL PRODUCTIONS / HORNS INC.


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Date: 06/02/09 17:17
Re: HORNS INC. at URHS. open house
Author: emd_run8

Love that air whistle! Never forget the first time I heard one. Charlotte NC late 1960's (East yard???)SCL (SAL) SDP-35.

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