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Audio Video Sharing Discussion > Around Our Neighborhood--The Station Inn Part 7Date: 06/02/09 11:02 Around Our Neighborhood--The Station Inn Part 7 Author: bert14 We visit Cooneys Coal Tipple, 3 Way meet at Bens' Creek Secondary,The High Signal Bridge, and Joyces Deli Market http://www.trainorders.com//avshare/thumbnails//3208-medium.jpg
You must be a registered subscriber to watch videos. Join Today! Date: 06/02/09 18:10 Re: Around Our Neighborhood--The Station Inn Part 7 Author: ajy6b I have enjoyed this series. I just got back from my third trip there in three years; each time in mid to early May. I have stayed at Tunnel Inn, Station Inn and I may have to check out the Cassandra Railfan Motel.
So are you guys going to do an encore? I think you should do Tyrone and work back west. Start with the Nittany and Bald Eagle in Tyrone, go back to Tipton, McFarland Road, Kerbaugh, CP Rose, the Railroaders Museum, ALTO, Slope, Brickyard, (maybe the Ledges), Horseshoe Curve. Just a thought. I have some shots on my website http://www.gemperfilm.com/pennsylvania-gallery/ AJ Date: 06/03/09 05:57 Re: Around Our Neighborhood--The Station Inn Part 7 Author: bert14 Hi AJ, We had such fun doing this we may well do something next year as you suggested.
I promise the video quality will be better too--had problems editing the Canon Hg21 HDcam (which look great in HD) down to crappy DVD then into computer then resampled again. Oh well--Pt 8(the JET ENGINE powered snowblower) and last but not least, Visit to The Station Inn II--coming soon. Doug Date: 06/03/09 17:52 Re: Around Our Neighborhood--The Station Inn Part 7 Author: ajy6b I look forward to your next videos. I love that area. I just wish that mother nature would not have brought in the clouds on my two most recent trips there. With the help of Phil Faudi, I have learned my way around there. My favorite place though has to be the Gallitzin Overlook. I love watching the trains snake around the mountain and Bennington Curve.
aj Date: 06/10/09 13:04 Re: Around Our Neighborhood--The Station Inn Part 7 Author: bert14 Phil Faudi was asked by Tom to be in this series, he declined, told Tom he was affiliated with only "the Tunnel Inn".
His loss. I have spent hours( OMG,thinking bout it-at least 35-40)up there trying for a three way meet over the years--someday--someday,Doug ajy6b Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I look forward to your next videos. I love that > area. I just wish that mother nature would not > have brought in the clouds on my two most recent > trips there. With the help of Phil Faudi, I have > learned my way around there. My favorite place > though has to be the Gallitzin Overlook. I love > watching the trains snake around the mountain and > Bennington Curve. > > aj Date: 06/11/09 04:14 Re: Around Our Neighborhood--The Station Inn Part 7 Author: ajy6b A three way meet would just be spectacular up there. A lot of variables, weather, sun and the trains. I came within minutes of a three-way when the morning Amtrak went through.
Here are some of my shots from the overlook, mainly shot during rain and drizzle. http://www.gemperfilm.com/nggallery/page-5/page-2/ |