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Railfan Gaming > Railfan Gaming

Date: 10/14/08 14:47
Railfan Gaming
Author: MysticHowler

I am sure you all have read the Newsletter, and noticed the section is off of the menu bar on the left hand side. If we want to keep this section open, we better get busy in discussion and posting pics. I remember writing Todd asking him to create this section, and I don't want to loose it.


I hope we can keep it up until the new MSTS comes out because I am sure we are going to flood the system. =D

Date: 10/14/08 16:05
Re: Railfan Gaming
Author: F40PHR231

I also hope none of the threads here will be deleted, because they contain some technical advice and resolve that even I don't have MSTS on my computer but still look back on.

Date: 10/14/08 21:45
Re: Railfan Gaming
Author: webmaster

I am going to leave this forum as is. Unfortunately, this forum died out and I decided it was taking up premium left menu bar real estate. I am not a fan of unpopular forums and that is the reason the railfan trips forum was disolved into the railfan electronics forum.

Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

Date: 10/15/08 16:34
Re: Railfan Gaming
Author: MysticHowler

So the Railfan Gaming forum will be here for good, or here until the posts die down to a point that there is no posts?

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