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Railfan Gaming > Pacific Surfliner Missing Shapes

Date: 10/15/08 18:52
Pacific Surfliner Missing Shapes
Author: MysticHowler

Alright, I have had MSTS on my external hard drive for a while. I discovered it when looking for a totally different file. I started playing Pacific Surfliner, however, a few minutes into the activity I start getting pop-ups saying various shapes are missing. The game then crashes. Any ideas why these are missing? Am I going to have to uninstall this route, and reinstall it?

Thanks in advance

Date: 10/16/08 15:42
Re: Pacific Surfliner Missing Shapes
Author: Jaanfo

MysticHowler Wrote:
> Am I going to have
> to uninstall this route, and reinstall it?
> Thanks in advance

Probably worth a shot, most likely the file was moved at some point and some of the shape files were not moved with it so it can't find them. Uninstalling and reinstalling the route into the proper location would ensure all the proper files are where the game can locate them.

Date: 10/16/08 18:48
Re: Pacific Surfliner Missing Shapes
Author: MysticHowler

Thanks for your reply. I will give that a shot, and I will see what happens.

Date: 10/17/08 03:04
Re: Pacific Surfliner Missing Shapes
Author: Jaanfo

MysticHowler Wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. I will give that a shot,
> and I will see what happens.

Good luck, report back.

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