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Railfan Gaming > Train Simulator 2 - Fourth Route Announcement

Date: 10/24/08 20:21
Train Simulator 2 - Fourth Route Announcement
Author: RAS


More images, and a video, coming in the near future...

Note that the images are clickable - take a look at the hi-res versions to see all the detail in the scenes.

And before someone points it out, there is a bug in the signal indications shown, in that the distant signals should be dark when the main signal shows stop. We're already working on it.... ;-)


Lead Game Designer
Microsoft Train Simulator

Rick Selby
Redmond, WA
Pacific Northwest RPM

Date: 10/25/08 02:18
Re: Train Simulator 2 - Fourth Route Announcement
Author: Jaanfo

Coooool, Thanks Rick!

Date: 10/27/08 17:35
Re: Train Simulator 2 - Fourth Route Announcement
Author: MysticHowler

Awesome! My first day in Germany my sister and I rode an ICE into Koln. Great to hear there is another route. If you guys keep making routes my sister and I have been on, I bet she is going to get a copy too...I am not kidding.
Are there going to be anymore High Detail routes, or is it only going to be these four?

Second question. Narrow Gauge. I understand you sticking with Standard Gauge, but in the World of Rails, are we going to be able to run Narrow Gauge? Cumbres and Toltec, Durango and Silverton...White Pass and Yukon (knowing how you and your team toured up there) What about the Himalayan Darjilling[SP] Railway...?

Third Question. I am sure you have commented on this in the past, but I can't find it. How easy will it be for us to take a normal route that isn't very highly detailed, and turn it into a route that is detailed. For me I might want to detail the Joint Line or the Tennessee Pass. Is this going to be a challenge for us?

Sean T.

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