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Railfan Gaming > what sim to buy?

Date: 04/20/09 15:47
what sim to buy?
Author: scottjep

was wondering what sim to buy? which is the most popular and has lots of addons, routes exetra?

Date: 04/24/09 12:08
Re: what sim to buy?
Author: MysticHowler

If your looking for number of add-ons, Microsoft's Train Simulator(MSTS) is the way to go.

However, Auran's Trainz isn't bad either. I haven't downloaded something for this before so I am not familiar with it.

Personally, I like Train Sim better. I had stopped playing it when it was announced Microsoft was going to do MSTS2, but that once again has been canceled.

Send me a PM, and I will send you a couple links to MSTS content.

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