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Railfan Gaming > Train Dispatcher 3 - Windows Vista, 32-bit

Date: 03/08/12 18:40
Train Dispatcher 3 - Windows Vista, 32-bit
Author: PatternOfFailure

Windows Vista says it will not run my Train Dispatcher 3 -- it is 32-bit and Vista tells me it requires a 64-bit version. Is there some trickery that needs to be done to get Vista to run TD3?

Date: 03/09/12 17:06
Re: Train Dispatcher 3 - Windows Vista, 32-bit
Author: ironmtn

PatternOfFailure Wrote:
> Windows Vista says it will not run my Train
> Dispatcher 3 -- it is 32-bit and Vista tells me it
> requires a 64-bit version. Is there some trickery
> that needs to be done to get Vista to run TD3?

TD3 runs just fine on my PC. Running Vista Ultimate 64-bit, with a quad-core AMD processor. Ran fine on same machine with Vista Home Premium before I had to upgrade to Ultimate to be able to run some other highly specialized database software that required Ultimate. Also, before I installed it on the 64-bit machine, it ran fine on a 32-bit machine first under XP, and then under Vista Home Premium. Bottom line: I've run it just fine under both 32-bit and 64-bit Vista.

It's been a while (8/2010) since I installed it, but I can't recall that I took any special actions to get it to run. I checked the file properties and it's set to run in native mode -- no compatibility mode is set. I run it all the time with no issues.

You may want to try 1) checking your security settings for TD3 itself (not in general). Vista has security settings at the application level (as does Win 7) which go beyond XP and older Windows editions. PM me if you do not know how to do this. Many installs occur at fairly restrictive settings, and you may need to take some appropriate risk and loosen them a bit -- appropriately. Installing downloaded route files for MSTS, for example, often requires you to modify security settings to get the scripted install of scenery and configuration files (usually accomplished by a .bat batch file that the route builder provides) to properly copy all of those files from MSTS to the new route. Once done with that action, you can reset your security for that route to a more restrictive setup. Don't know if you will need to do that for TD3, but it's possible. Also, 2) if tweaking security doesn't work, you may be able to run TD3 in compatibility mode.

Your choice as to which is the A option and which is the B -- you will find folks who argue either way, validly. I have used both techniques on occasion, although not with TD3, that I can recall.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/12 17:13 by ironmtn.

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