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Canadian Railroads > Canadian Pacific Willington Alberta.

Date: 04/10/19 08:31
Canadian Pacific Willington Alberta.
Author: BCR_766

Hello group.... question to the older group, I was looking at Google Maps of the old Canadian Pacific Willington Sub from Scotford (Fort Saskatchewan) to Lloydminster, at the Town of Willington it looks like there was a Wye just East of the elevators. The right of way in question heads to the South East. Can anyone confirm if this was trackage at one time? When was it removed? Thanks!

Date: 04/11/19 08:03
Re: Canadian Pacific Willington Alberta.
Author: Parkcar

Perhaps I can assist you with most of your questions, as I lived in Willingdon from 1962 to 1968.  In fact, I lived in the railway station at Willingdon, as the son of the last station agent to occupy the station. OMG, I remember moving in and upon looking in the basement cavity by the furnace, was more liquor bottles that I'd ever seen in my life!  Someone before us had his own stash down there!
I know the station was moved off CP property and transported to the Shandro Museum about the 1970's (north of Willingdon about 20Km).  I went out there in the early 2000's and took photos of my old home, saw the personal marks that I had left, the mods that Dad and I did as a child, and reminisced a bit.  I am intending to stop in again this year, if it is still there, but understand it is in quite poor condition as nothing has been done in the way of upkeep.
Anyway, to answer your question, yes there was a wye east of the elevator and just east of the station.  Directly across from the west switch off the Willingdon Sub was the Section Foreman's residence (on the north side of the tracks)  I used to ride a skidoo through their yard and along the tracks, with the Foreman's daughter.  I forget who owned the skidoo but it matters not.  The wye was CP's access to the Vegreville Sub, witch ran about 26 miles to....Vegreville.  A dead end track with a unique configuration that I've always wanted to model, if time permits.  #82 would travel from South Edmonton on M-W-F, leave most of their train in Willingdon (we had two passing tracks) and then head out to Vegreville and return, lift the rest of the train once again and head east for a crew-change at Two Hills.  As the Agent's son, the train on the Veg Sub was my summer holidays entertainment.  I'd travel in the caboose with the tailend crew to Veg, I'd help with switching (as a 12-year old boy!!!!), we'd go uptown to the Club Cafe (every town had a Club Cafe!!) for a burger and fries with the crew, head back to the station, turn the train around on the wye in Veg, then I'd ride the cab back to Willingdon.  This was my opportunity to run the GP7/GP9's as the hogheads would often let me sit in the right seat and they'd coach me.  What a thrill, for 26 miles, which included crossing the CN at Veg.  Our arrival timing often coincided with the CN RDC and we'd get stabbed for their passing (priority, I guess).
As an aside, all grain shipped from Willingdon, Wostok (elevator the west), Norma, Warwick and Fitzallen (Veg Sub) was waybilled out of Dad's station.  Each car needed a typed waybill and was a LOT of cars, so Dad paid me a nickel for each waybill I typed.  His well-used typewriter is proudly preserved as a keepsake, downstairs.
The east leg of the wye off the Veg Sub is up the hill (South) by my childhood friend's place, and connected with the Willy Sub just around the corner to the east of town.
Gotta go but if you have further questions, don't hesitate to write.  Thanks for bringing back fond memories.

Date: 04/11/19 09:03
Re: Canadian Pacific Willington Alberta.
Author: BCR_766

Wow, sounds like some great memories!! I remember CN much like this through my town, however i wasnt as lucky as you...... did you take pictures at all while the CP was still there? It would be great to see some. I drove the line last summer coming back from camping up at Elk Point... another area with abandoned trackage. They need to leave these lines intact as we dont know what the future will hold!!! 

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