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Canadian Railroads > Wednesday Bras d'Or Memories

Date: 06/15/22 07:33
Wednesday Bras d'Or Memories
Author: cn6218

For a few summers in the early 2000s, VIA ran a seasonal excursion train between Halifax and Sydney, NS on the off-days of the Ocean.  The Bras d'Or traced the Ocean's route from Halifax to Truro, and then turned right onto the CBNS' Hopewell and Sydney Subs for a trip on trackage that had been freight only since the VIA cuts of 1990.  Not only did the train pass through some of the arguably most scenic parts of the province, it featured two domes for the viewing pleasure of its patrons (and the photographic pleasure of rail fans).

At 18:05 on June 4, 2003, VIA 18, the return trip, was almost back in Halifax, as the train crossed Moirs Mill Pond in Bedford.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/22 07:35 by cn6218.

Date: 06/16/22 19:46
Re: Wednesday Bras d'Or Memories
Author: feclark

What a perfectly-sized train for the shot. The stainless and blue really ties together with the rippled water, too. The going away view is better than the other way would have been, and it's rarely the case.

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